Saturday, October 8, 2011

Virgin Coconut Oil Health Benefits

{EAV_BLOG_VER:e8827be57898c6c5}It took me supreme effort not to undertake on a verbal discourse with tour guide who was criticizing my beloved cocos nuciferus, the scientific name of coconut. He avowed, with disgust on his face, to my tour mate, how detrimental coconut is for eating than dates, which was prevalent in Israel when I was on a trip. I guess what he meant was the cooking oil not the coconut itself.

Without a doubt, cooking oil, coconut as base ingredient, is less healthful to use because of the chemical mixed with it and the treatment process it went through. For example, aniline found in coconut oil is one key chemical ingredients used in making bomb and is a carcinogen. How is it used in our cooking oil? Aniline is used principally to bind the chemicals that make up the cooking oil.  Yet, there is healthier option that is also derived from coconut-the virgin coconut oil.  It is beneficial because it didn’t go through a chemical and high treatment. The coconut meat is shredded, then cold-pressed using coconut water to produce the whitish milk once it is done it is made to “sit” for an hour until water and the oil separates. For this reason, the word virgin was concocted of how it is extracted.

What are health benefits of virgin coconut oil? It is said that the virgin coconut oil when daily consumed can eradicate virus and bacteria on human like influenza, herpes, different skin diseases and even HIV. The truth that the fat derived from coconut is now used commercially in baby formulas, mixed with IV fluids and sports drinks (to heighten energy and improve athletic performance). In addition, it is now being promoted as an option supplement in killing cancer cells. For the beauty conscious, ingesting virgin coconut oil as a drink can slow down signs of aging. Lastly, virgin coconut oil can help people who want to lose weight.
It is suggested for someone who wants to drink virgin coconut oil as a therapeutic alternative; the dosage would be 3-4 tablespoon a day. The lauric acid  in the virgin coconut oil can improve the immune system for your body to fight for its disease or health problems.

Some people who are saying against the use of coconut oil are lead astray into thinking that coconut oil as being unhealthy can now rest their hatchet for the 90% saturated fats, unsaturated fatty acids –the monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in virgin coconut oil is good for the health. The saturated fat found in coconut oil is lauric acid, to repeat, can enhance the immune system. The Linoleic Acid can to lower bad cholesterol especially helpful to patients with diabetes for it normalizes glucose production of the body. On the other hand, Oleic Acid is an antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body.

As for my tour guide, I just expected that he should have peruse articles about coconut before he blurts things against coconut for he is not doing justice to the coconut that does not deserve an unsavory reputation.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Maid of the Mist

There is nothing more poetic an experience as the “Maid of the Mist” ferries through the midst of mists of water spawned by the cascading waters of the Niagara Falls. The tourists are not only treated with novel experience of crossing the vast expanse of the river but also the overwhelming power and sound of the falling waters. 

Legend has it that a maid plunged into her death at the falls as a sacrifice to appease the angry gods, the Thunder God Hinum and his two sons, who the villagers thought to have brought misfortunes to the Indians. However, as the maiden fell to her death, the Thunder God Hinum caught her and let her live with them. Not forgetting the reason of her sacrifice she asked the gods to let her resurface as form of a mist to warn her people that a big snake is the one who is poisoning the people to die and eat their dead bodies. As a result, the villagers were to kill the evil snake, but before succumbing to death the snake slithered at the base of the waterfalls and died, its body decayed forming a curve shape as it can be seen now, which is also the main attraction in the course of the river tour-the Horseshoe Falls. Today, “Maid of the Mist” is no longer a legendary maid but ferries that bring tourists to see the waterfalls at the Niagara River. We can only surmise that ferries names are inspired by the legend of a sacrificing maiden.

It was Christian Dow in 1807 that had speculated the possibility of crossing the river below the falls as he saw ducks swam across the river. Eleven years later, in 1809 that William Forsyth realized Dow’s speculation by constructing ladders to the site in the hope of operating a ferry service.   However, it wasn't as smooth as planned for there were some parties who would want to have the same business as William Forsyth wanted. In May 1846, a big, odd looking 100-ton ferry boat made her first appearance at the River manned by Captains Filkins and George Synes, operating at the south Railway Bridge. When the suspension bridge was completed at the Falls View in 1848, it was considered rather fancy to ride in a ferry than using the bridge that took people across the Niagara Gorge. Seeing the death of ferry servicing, Niagara Falls Ferry Association took a significant step in keeping the industry afloat by using the “Maid of the Mist” as a boat that will take trips past to the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls or the Canadian Falls. In the year 1854, marked an important milestone for a new  “Maid of the Mist” boat was launched. The passengers of this new ferry were given caps and oil-skinned coats to keep them dry. In 1860, among its famous passengers was Prince Albert Edwards, Prince of Wales who was on a Canada tour. However, in 1860 with the onset of Civil War, financial difficulties and not so rosy patronization of the ferry boat, the “Maid of the Mist” I was sold to a Montreal firm. It took several years before the ferry was resurrected from the depths of Hades when another suspension bridge in Niagara Gorge was built. It was this time that tourists came back to bosoms of the “Maid of the Mist”. The sudden influx of tourists made R.F Carter and Frank Le Blond of the Village of Clifton to invest in the construction of the new “Maid of the Mist II”, this time a steamboat ferry unlike the first one, which was a single-stack steamer. Unfortunately, in April 22, 1955 the draughts burned. Like phoenixes, two came alive; this time made of steal and diesel powered engines with both accommodating 101 passengers. The 66 ft Maid of the Mist I ferried tourist from 1955 and retired in 1990 while the twin boat Maid of the Mist II glory days was from 1956 until 1983.  Since the Niagara River has become a “must do” itinerary for both locals and foreigners alike, five more maidens were built excluding the small tugboat called “The Little Maid".

The “Maid of the Mist” vessels were not only for tourists’ enjoyment but also an instrument in rescuing a seven-year old boy, Roger Woodward, who plunged over Horseshoe Falls in July 9, 1960 with nothing but life jacket on. It was the Maid of the Mist II that took on the role of the rescue. Upon her retirement, the maid continued her human charity work by being a missionary boat in the Amazon River in Brazil.

For over 150 years, the maidens, has earned the reputation as being one famous ferries that take tourists to the main attraction of the cruise, the basin of the Horseshoe Falls where people are made to experience the powerful intensity of water falling that produces mists and foams. The half an hour Niagara Falls tour starts at the calm area near the Rainbrow Bridge, then sail through the American and Bridal Veils Falls and of course lastly the Horseshoe Falls basin. The tour can either start from the Canadian or American side of the river. One shouldn’t forget to bring passport for one will need it when crossing the borders coming from either both countries. As for the price of the tour and the schedule it varies also depending on which country you start the tour from. The tour schedule is not daily, for reference there are wealth of sites to be researched and viewed online.

The Niagara Falls with its waterfalls has attracted people for its expanse and obvious prestige however; one cannot enjoy it without being in the midst of her powerful girth if not aboard the “Maid of the Mist”.  Like the maid who rescued her people from death, she promised life to her people who will sail through the river with safety and enjoyment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Autism

my twin nephews
When my twin nephews were born prematurely, they were not only tiny and wrinkly, but were yellow like pale squashes. Since born premature, it was understandable that they would  yellow, even normal delivered infants are  tinged with yellow because of bilirubin-a yellowish pigment found in bile, produced by the liver.

Normally, infant has little ability to break the bilirubin in  his/her body. As a result, an infant is  born yellow , to help newly born infant break bilirubin, he/she should be exposed to sunlight, which was being done to my nephews.  Because of the fragility of their health, the doctor had to  confine  the boys in the hospital for two weeks. Series of injections and phototherapy were a daily happenings. Phototherapy is  just a direct exposure to sunlight for 5-10 minutes. After  the therapy, the twins were further exposed to heat in a incubator like box with just a fluorescent lamp  to keep  their body warm to further stimulate their livers to become stronger.
Typically, by 1-3 days old an infant is capable of breaking his own bilirubin, however there are some cases where some infants have a hard time breaking it , it is manifested by a jaundice color of their skin. An infant  liver does not have the full capacity to break the yellowish substances found in Red Blood Cells (RBC) which he/she is born with. Upon birth an infant is born with an excess of RBC from the mother, who were the one breaking the bilirubin for them through her liver. If it isn’t monitored and left untreated infants will suffer anemia, neonatal jaundice, chronic liver disease and some studies suggest  could be a factor in causing Spectrum Autism among children.
Being Special Education teacher, a child with autism is one of the disorders that I have a hard time teaching even the most basic things like communicating with them for they have their "own" world. One of the researches I had while studying Special Education was the Vitamin D. The studies suggest that the lack of Vitamin D  is one of the causes  of Autism specially among children of colored skin (the black people). When an exodus of Africans started migrating voluntarily or  forcibly who migrated to the western countries like Denmark, U.S. and etc. had triggered a disorder in their genes like Autism.  What the study showed are high percentage cases of  black people with autism  especially those who were born during winter. However, genes anomaly  plays a  big factor being with Autism. Based on the Cornell University study said that the ” "research is sufficiently suggestive of an environmental trigger for autism associated with precipitation, of which vitamin D deficiency is one possibility," says study co-author Michael Waldman, a professor of management and economics at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management.  Furthering the theory of the possibility that deficiency of Vit D could be the culprit of Autism.

We may not think too much of Vit D however, it is one of the important vitamin for the development of the brain. When blood has high presence of bilirubin it could affect our brain in the way that is debilitating especially to infants who are still physcially developing.

As for the twins, thank God, they don’t have neonatal complications. In fact, they are the most active children we I’ve seen, however, if the doctors have been negligent it could have devastating effects to them- health and neurological wise. It is important that baby screening are done to make sure that your baby doesn’t have any telltale signs of a disorder or disability. If there’s any immediate therapies and interventions are to be undertaken.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tiger Woods and his Minions!

Yes, I heard he was fined for his breach of the code conduct by the golfing association- his offense spitting while putting his way to the tournament in Dubai. In fairness to Tiger Woods his spitting, based on the video I saw, was unconsciously done with no malice or whatsoever, however, to the Tournament Director, it was an appalling gesture as if he was making a mockery out of the game. Really now!? I am sure that when he did the spitting, mocking wasn’t part of his agenda. Frustration was, winning was. Spitting was just a release of tension. Am I right Tiger?   

I admit it made me winced with distaste to see Tiger Woods spitting his birdie off (no pun intended). But unlike the Golf Tournament Director who was less forgiving as to extort money for his (Tiger Woods) spit, I for one is more generous in understanding Mr. Woods. I mean why make mountains of molehills? If I may surmise, it is the first time he had done that. I am sure that had he been conscious of his actuations he could have not done that, he could have swallowed his stale saliva and spare him another bad image and prevent the stiff upper lip golfing association big guns from going amok. Poor Tiger Woods!

One time, while I was riding a jeepney, one  passenger  sitting in front of me, spitted like crazy that his saliva almost hit me by a hair. I was disgusted by him that I shot him my most evil look that he had no choice but to look away. If he just heard my profanities in my mind, he could have had died that instant.  I am quite sure some of the passengers who saw the spitting also shared my sentiments. It was really disgusting. 
So what instances are spitting permissible? Well, if someone hits you in the face and as a consequence lacerated the inside of your mouth and bleeding commenced, you spit the blood with saliva right? It would be gross to swallow it. Like my lady friend who tripped flat on her high heels and her lips got broken when it hit the ground. Shunning all the grace and poise that was her trademark, she was spitting blood on the side of the street, while I felt miserable for not being able to catch her fall on time. How about if you choke while eating? You spit the food right especially when gobble a whole roasted pig?  Did you know that there spitting is applauded by the Guinness Books of Records? The cherry pit spitting, what people would do was to eject the pit with great speed  and to shoot it to a great distance- the record distance? 95 feet and 6.5 inches. Wow! Power! There’s more this one is morbidly fascinating, involving the dead-spitting dead crickets. If I were you, I opt for the cherries. The “sport” was developed by the ingenious entomologist Tom Turpin at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN in the US. For 20 seconds the participants spit frozen and then thawed crickets in rapid fire succession while keeping in mind that the lifeless insects should remain intact-six legs, four wings, and two antenna, before it is counted as an entry. That strict a contest!? I just hope no hapless crickets were murdered. The world record was 32 feet and 1 inch? That Dan Capps, must have the esophagus like a bazooka. Compared to the two sports mentioned this one beats them all in terms of hygiene and smell-the Kudu Dung Spitting. Sounds appetizing? For Shaun van Rensburg, it was, for he holds the world record of spitting a dung to a distance of 15.56 meters. By the way, Kudu is a type of Antelope that expel hard pellets of dung which was used in the contest.

Spitting also transcends what was mentioned beforehand is also used by the albularyo or shaman as part of a ritual to fight off or ward off the curse of an engkanto or environmental spirits.  Like my Aunt who had medically unexplained boils all over her body. The laboratory tests revealed nothing gravely significant; desperate for cure we summoned an albularyo to treat her. One of the rituals he did was to spit repeatedly on my Aunt’s head, the crown part. Repugnant and yet it cured my Aunt.

In the past, there is what they call spittoon, a receptacle made for spitting. In the Western Europe, during the Middle Ages it was considered ill-mannered to swallow the saliva so people would spit anywhere and no one make ugly and disgusted faces. for it was just a normal thing. However, time and tides change for in the early 1700’s spitting should be done in concealment. By 1859, spitting in public had become vulgar and distasteful, an act that warrants gossip and reprimand. It was in this era that spittoons were made to address the need to spit in public, which the society at that time accepted. With the onset of influenza epidemic of 1918, the use of spittoon has since disappeared saved from the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States who are provided with their own personal cuspidor (spittoon). 

I admit I had my share of spitting in public, I have done it conspicuously as to spit in trashcans, bushes, and canals and I made sure it was done in the most decent, acceptable and concealed way. What is most unacceptable is the habitual spitting done anywhere and everywhere, truly contemptible, needless to say unhygienic for you can be spreading your disease. As for Tiger Woods, I pity the guy for being the subject of such scrutiny, he had apologized and the golf tournament director should do the same and not blow  Tiger's malfeasance out of proportion. Next time Tiger Woods bring tissue or a spittoon during your game, it will save you money and prejudice. Cut the guy some slack, okay? 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pearly Shell from the Ocean

A jeepney
Yesterday, I was sitting in front  seat of  a jeepney. Early morning lethargy, was kind of egging to go home after spending a night witha  friend. This was the rare time when I would like to enjoy a music in a jeepney beats the conundrum of my unappetizing day, otherwise in normal self, I would be reprimanding and threatening to report the driver to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) for the stereo in the jeepney is illegal, music is illegal inside the jeepney why? noise pollution. And  I did  reported some plate numbers to the authority. Let's just say I was mellow and enjoyed a music in the jeepney. 

Mellow it was, on the radio are old songs from the 50's and 60's, an era of the type of music that I can't  well relate to- melody and lyrics wise. I was about complain when I saw the young driver with a grin on his face, obviously enjoying the music and singing the song being played on the radio "Pearly Shell"  it stopped me on my tracks and it got me thinking "Who am I to deprive him of his obvious enjoyment to the song?". As I was mulling, he turned to me smiling and said " Ok ang sounds sa una noh? Walay syagit-syagit (Old songs  are okay right? No shouting)" Obviously, referring to rock music which involves throat blasting and vein protruding singing,  and to be courteous I replied " Lagi (yeah)". And the driver added " Sus, kanang kantaha, pearly shell, gisayaw namu na atung grade 6 ko (Did you know that I danced Pearly shell when I was in grade 6)" Laughingly  I replied again " Mao ba? (Really?)" I could not agree more for I had my fair share of dancing when I was in grade school.
How I hate dancing in front of the crowd. Ironic, for when I was still young around 4-6 years old my grandparents, aunts and uncle and relatives used to make me dance and then reward me with money. Until I  got over  it , realizing that that dancing wasn't the most manly thing to do and I did look stupid. The realization killed the dance in me. To be forced to dance with hundreds of children in school and do it  in front of hundreds of spectators? Made me seething mad. As a sign of rebellion to an utter injustice, I escape. I devised a plan to make sure that I was always at the end of the line for an easy escape despite dancing being part of the grade  of a subject. I never told my parents  especially mother that there  will be  a field demonstration so that she will not buy me a costume. I mean as a child understand already that extra expense for  a  costume is a burden to her for she will  have to borrow money and I hate that to happen. As a result of my refusal to dance in field demonstration, I was reprimanded by my teacher and threatened to be given a failing mark in one of my subjects. Since, I wasn't the model pupil scolding was one daily life servings to me which in time I have learned  to let it pass to the other ear. 

When I graduated in elementary I thought  the nightmare (dancing) will be all behind me. Wrong! High school was even worst, this time no escaping for we are guarded by the teachers, principal and teacher ass kissers-the class beadles. We are made to dance weird dance steps to a song of Abuchiki, Tease me  and all complete with full regalia of shiny and funny costumes. Worst, we are made to wear lipsticks, they said to look good in-front of the spectators. The grrrr moment  where my anger was already skyrocketing to the heavens,  but I have to keep it under control for I have no choice for the costumes were fitted and made and the payment being added to the tuition.  When  school foundation ensues, that was when I felt like my stomach would turn sour for sure a dance performance will be undertaken. It was a 4-year torture that I have to endure. Ughhh...

Then college came. Nightmare was not over dancing was   again part of the curriculum- the all hellfire and damnation Physical Education. This was, I considered the push comes to shove scenario. Physical Education (PE) 1 when I  was browsing the prospectus was capital G-Y-M-N-A-S-T-I-C-S. What?! Too much for me to take nevertheless like an obedient student I enrolled it. First things  I was made to do was to split, balance the beam and dance gymnastics style,  things to do which certainly  made me decide to drop PE 1. It was in 3rd year in college that re-enrolled PE 1 because I had no choice even if  I stomp and grumble my arse out I will not be able to graduate without passing PE. So accepting defeat, I enrolled in a Saturday class PE schedule. My bad, I was the only male in the class. Since it was 1st year class, the males have the compulsory Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). I have to swallow my dignity and pride and do it. My only consolation was  that I was surrounded by female but my teacher, damn that teacher, would call me out "lolo" or old man for I wasn't flexible to split and graceful enough to dance. The "B" grade I got wasn't bad considering it was pain for me. I always knew that PE 2 will dance, so skipped it, I enrolled right away to PE 4 for it was volleyball and then PE 3-badminton. It was on my last semester in college right, last hitch to getting my Business Management degree that I swallowed my pride (no choice) and gathered enough courage to submit myself to PE 2. Physical Education 2 is dancing folk, modern, jazz, and any other forms of dance. There I was dancing, learning tinikling, itik-itik, folk dance and even modern dance, all of dances my teacher assigned to the class, I did it with resentment and trepidation. If it's not a crime to kill my teacher or burn the school down I could have done it.  Our final test was big event  or program called the PE Night where all PE 2 students will have to perform a dance production. It was one big school event where university students look forward to watching.  PE night came and there I was in full costume, our production number was tribal dance of some obscure Baguio tribe. Believe me  when I say  how I fervently prayed hoping that my classmates in Business Management and friends will not see me or identify me at that event. Unfortunately, they saw me, you know the scenario, I was a subject of juvenile ridicule. I have no choice but to laugh my way out the "situation". 

Music does brings you back to memory lane where events and circumstances associated with it will either make you cringed with embarrassment or smile with joy. With the driver's case, I can surmise during that time he must had felt or did what I did before during dance presentation but now it makes him smile of the time when he danced "Pearly Shell from the Ocean"( not the correct title, I know). He must had felt utterly stupid  dancing during his grade school days but now it is one of the sources of his happy memories. As for me, I admit I can now smile of the dancing moments I had but to do it again? I don't think so. I have top protect my stiff  upper lip image where dancing is a thing beneath me. I really don't want to break my respectable exterior.Exaggeration much!    

Jeepney in full regalia of accessories



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Facial Bliss!

If my memory serve's me right, my last trip to the facial spa was last year around September. Since, I scrub my face and neck using Apricot Scrub from St Ive's I surmise that it was good enough, saves me money. But then, I kind of missed the pampering at the spa. So the other day, I treated myself to facial and indeed it was a bliss.

I started having my face taken care of by a facial 3 years ago, probably because I felt that face was clogged up with dirt, white and black heads and of course vanity. The first experience I had was rather tiny bit painful when the the esthetician (the one who does the facial cleansing) was pricking my face  like crazy, like she was exorcising something. It got me thinking that was my face really the dirty? Then she showed me the black and white heads to me and believe me it was gross- it was quite an accumulation. If  I can remember I paid around 300 pesos ( 7 U.S. dollars) and then they got expensive and so I looked for a more inexpensive spa luckily I found one that only does 250 pesos(6  U.S. dollars) facial .  From that day on I never transferred to another spa for the services were great, even better than the expensive ones where prices can range from 350- 1,000 pesos (8-25  U.S. dollars). What I like about the spa I am patronizing now is they not only clean my face  of  dirt (some spa doesn't offer pricking for 250 pesos) but also the extra service of a head, neck and back massage. For only 250 pesos this is already quite a bargain.

To those who doesn't know what happens in deep facial cleansing. Firstly, the esthetician  exfoliate the face  with use of abrasive or grainy substance usually in form a apricot scrub. Secondly, vacuum the face for the deep layer dirt to surface and steam  the face for the pores to open for like 5-10 minutes. Thirdly, prick the face for white and black heads, this is my fave part where I can deeply slumber (snoring included).Fourthly, apply a mask. Fifthly, apply cream. Lastly, laser treat the face for the micro abrasion caused by the scrub and close the pores and iron the face with cold rolling metal to even out the bumps on the face. Although, not offered from other spas, the last activity-the head, neck, back massage.

There are a lot deep facial treatments available depending on how deep is your pocket, the one that I have is the traditional facial which doesn't cost much. There is the Microdermabrasion; most famous of this is the Diamond Peel. A procedure in which diamond dust is applied to the skin and vacuumed away, thereby exfoliating the skin for dead cells and remove fine lines and wrinkles. The Photo Facial, this procedure uses the light to stimulate the collagen underneath skin, treat various skin conditions such as acne breakout, broken capillaries, dark spots and etc. It has two procedures the LED (Ligt-emitting diode) and IPL (intense pulse light).What LED does is gentle treatment on the skin where in a narrow spectrum of light is applied to stimulate the collagen for that younger and plumber look and kill that bacteria that causes acne. On the other hand, the IPL is rather wee bit painful (depending on the pain tolerance of a person), the treatment , to reiterate,  is ideal for people who has brown or black spots, with broken capillaries or facial redness, and kill bacteria residing on the dermis that causes pimple and acne break out.     

After a dose of facial cleansing, my face feels light and fresh. I feel like renewed person-confident and happy. Although, a person can live with out it nevertheless, the quality time I can give myself is  worth more than the 250 pesos plus 100 pesos tip that I shell out. If makes me happy happy? Why not submit myself to the esthetician mercy who will do magic on my face and my soul.    



Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Smoke to Death

Kid smoking
I remembered when I was still a kid of  I think 5 or 6, my uncles used to let me buy them their nicotine sticks (we do retail here in the Philippines even cigarettes) along with it is the cardinal rule that  one stick had to be lightened. To make the embers at the end  alive one had to make to  suck the cigarette in small itsy bitsy fashion just enough to make it look like it wasn't sucked otherwise scolding from the uncles or the elder would ensue. For a child such incident was confusing  nevertheless,  it was a common practice during my childhood.   Eventually me and cousins experimented on smoking. Fearing retribution from adults, we would roll newspaper as big as a cigarette and lit the end and we sucked and puffed away like crazy despite the crazy coughing and choking  from the strong old newspaper smoke. Despite our crime, it was a rule that one shouldn't caught  smoking for it could be used as a blackmail during times of  war with my cousins. Children indeed can be viciously appalling.

It wasn't until I was 17 years old that I really started smoking professionally. Professionally, I mean seen smoking in public. At that time, my friends couldn't help commenting that I shouldn't be smoking for itdoesn't suit because according to them I look like an sweet of them.  I guess, peer pressure and wanting to be "in" a group where  some of the members smoke got me started smoking. Yes, when I was 17, when I saw people in the campus smoking, it seemed to be a coolest thing in the world and I felt an envy. It was, in my thinking that smoking is a rite of passage to manhood. I started out with one stick, I never crave but when friends would offer me a stick I never refused.  I became a serious smoker when I joined an organization in college that involves writing and overnights in college.  Smoking were one of the things that kept me alive aside form coffee during overnights and intense writing. After college, I worked in an big supermarket where the pressure was so great that the only refuge I had was smoking during my break time. My average was 5 sticks a day. May quite tame compared to one-pack smoker a day but in my case quite a sum already. I guess, I was just following in the footsteps of my mother and father who were a couple of  habitual smokers. Common scenario I surmise , nonetheless  it is my own rule that I shouldn't be smoking. Being the eldest I still have to project  a certain  sense of decorum towards my younger siblings.

It was when I was involved in a serious December love affair that I decided to quit smoking as my new year's resolution. Quite a resolve I had. I did quit smoking right then and there. Just like any withdrawal against addiction-I was irritable and started eating  to my gusto. I admit, I didn't totally quit, there are times when I was so full after binging that I smoke just to get rid of that puking moments or when I was depress I smoke a stick or two. Eventually, I stopped thinking about smoking and for the last 4 years I smoke only 1 stick a year, only during circumstances that is gravely depressing and when my stomach is overstuffed with food. I remembered December last year when I puffed a stick  that after enjoying it, I got sick. My back  was hurting and develop runny nose and cough. I was so sick that I finally decided that smoking was no longer my cup of tea.

I could not stress enough the boon of smoking cigarette. In the Philippines alone 250 people die everyday  of smoking related illnesses, roughly about 90,000 deaths a year. What is alarming is that smokers are getting younger and younger each day. Just like the other day, I saw a 5 year-old street child smoking like an adult. It was a sight that shocked me but then what is there to be surprised when smoking does not discriminate between poor and rich, children and adults alike.

Smoking does have its share of benefits. It is a stimulant. Once one smokes, the nicotine will pass into the bloodstream and then goes to the brain where it stimulate "feel good" chemicals. As a result,  our body  naturally will constantly crave for that kind of "zone"  despite the surgeons warning about the effects of smoking. Still people are addicted to it despite the high possibility of having emphysema, cancer and other illnesses associated with smoking. Smoking is one addiction that is transparently permitted in the society. It is quite common to see people smoking on the streets, restaurants, house, bars name all the venues you can think of smoking is always the main act.

Good thing that government in the US has increased tobacco tax making smoking expensive. I just hope that Philippines will follow suit. Probably, in my opinion, one of the most effective way to eliminate smoking is to make a law that prohibits smoking. I know it is an wishful thinking- big tobacco company can subvert the law and government but if its the health of the population is at stake, why not make cigarette smoking along with drugs a crime that warrants  jail time. Come to think of it, the government is being feed and kept alive by the taxpayers money not the tobacco companies, so why not amend a law against smoking.

I guess, I just lucky to have escaped the deadly snares of smoking. Will I puff a smoke again? I don't think so, the sickness i feel afterward is more than enough make me puke thinking about smoking. How to quit smoking? well it is all about discipline and will power.    

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Apricot Seed: The Cure for Cancer?

As part of our leadership training with AIM Global-a Multi-Level Marketing company; we agreed that we must have a weekly meeting to monitor our progress. We usually share our WINS during the week and basically give each a pat on the back. One by one we are made to talk about our individual marketing presentation, drill, grill and discussions. Then out of the blue one of my colleagues just blurted out  about B17, a vitamin that is believed to cure cancer. Cure for cancer?  That stopped in my tracks and already  highly tickled by this wonder cure.

I know me, I am a supplement enthusiast which was the real reason why I invested in this health  supplement company. Right after going home I immediately researched on Vitamin B17. Indeed, the controversy surrounding the Vit B17 went beyond mere disclaimer of its use but the US  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) releasing a propaganda against the use of B17. What's the fuss about B17?  Vitamin B17 or Amygdalin can be found  in almost every fruit we eat but  Apricot beats them all for having the highest content of B17, it is said that it is cure for cancer. Now that is monumental! So monumental that it sent one man into maximum security prison in Westchester County which houses the most dangerous criminals in the US. His crime? Raking thousands of dollars from selling of Apricot seeds  and liquid extract from apricot seeds called Laetrile or Amygdalin over the internet. In 2003, Jason Vale was sentenced up to 20 years. When Jason was 18 he was diagnosed with cancer, after surgery and sessions of chemotherapy and radiation, the cancer went into remission. Sadly after a year, his cancer came back and this time it affected his kidney,  out of desperation he sought a more different approach to curing his terminal disease; eating the pits of the apricots and peaches seeds. After 10 months of eating the seeds  his cancer disappeared. Because of his miraculous recovery from the terminal case of cancer Jason has started selling Apricot seeds and the injectible laetrile.  However, there was  a hitch,  the FDA banned the use of laetrile and raw apricot seeds for "The FDA takes seriously its responsibility to protect patients from unproven products being peddled on the internet by modern day snake oil salesmen such as the defendant in this case. There is no scientific evidence that Laetrile offers anything but false hope to cancer patients." stated by the FDA Commissioner McCLELLAN.  By this rule, Jason's business is illegal and indeed he was sent to languish in prison with the most amiable(pun intended) criminals. 
So why is the FDA so allergic with B17 in apricot seeds or laetrile(the extract from the seed)? The agency believe that it is poisonous because of its cyanide content. Apricot seeds does contain cyanide  but  it is cyanide radical (CN) which needs H to be poisonous according to Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, a nutritional oncologist. He further explained that "The molecule of Vitamin B17 is in itself not poisonous until it is hydrolyzed or split by an enzyme called Beta glucosidase or glucuronidase (B.G). when B17 is injected into a cancerous patient, the B.G. around the cancer cells splits the B17 and the HCN produced diffuses into the cancer cells poisoning them, while the normal cells nearby are not poisoned due to the presence of an enzyme, rhodanese, - not found in the cancer cells. The rhodanese adds an Atom of Sulfur to the CN to form SCN, a very mild hypotensive." An outstanding claim that left people with cancer desperate for cure excited.

The threat, however if people with cancer resort to natural alternative cure then  the big pharmaceutical companies that are making chemotherapy drugs and cancer research will lose 200 billion dollars worth of revenue. If you are in business, it is but normal to eliminate any possible threats any way possible even to the extend of subverting the law. If the government will allow the use of Amygdalin then imagine the money being lost to them (pharmaceutical companies) to mere apricot seeds. Simply a big slap on the pharmaceuticals companies faces who have been trying to improve chemotherapy drugs but only has 50-70% effectiveness and efficacy.

I understand why the government have to protect its people from taking any medicine or natural cure that does not guarantee of cure, nonetheless, it the prerogative of the patient with cancer to resort to something natural when all else failed. It is said that people who received chemotherapy sometimes accelerated the growth of cancer cells. Chemotherapy may kill cancer cells but also kill healthy cells that could combat those wayward cells.  Jason's mistake however is by saying that Laetrile or Amygdalin is the "cure" which can set a dangerous message to desperate people with cancer especially that the United States listed Amygdalin or the trade name Laetrile being is illegal. As for the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors of medicine, anything that is an alternative cure like herbal or natural is treated with cold shoulder if not given  a healthy does of skepticism because it was not there orientation. 
If I were a one of the cancer patients I would resort to anything like gobbling up tons of apricots seeds and to hell I care. It is my body and it is mine to however I do with it. When push comes to shove when chemotherapy does not assure me of guaranteed 100% cure of cancer, then why not resort to herbal medicine. I am not saying that I will not take pharmaceutical medicines but I would pair it with natural supplements that can boost my immune system. In the  published issue of  The Mayo Clinic to the American  Journal  of America Medical Association in February 23, 1981 said that B17 is safe to be taken orally. In their 36 years of studies, they have yet to report people who had toxic reaction of it. That was light years ago, based on my research there hasn't been any cases yet of people dying from eating too much apricot seeds or injecting down laetrile.   Ironic, how these people from medicine and science advocate healthy living and lifestyle and yet distance themselves from an alternative "cure" for cancer, in this case, apricot seed or laetrile. This is one prime example of an all natural possible cure for cancer  that can save lives and make people healthy and yet doctors will no support. I think it is time for these pharmaceutical companies and most especially the FDA to be unselfish and open the venue to further study  of B17 and even allow patent to it for public awareness, consumption and "cure".


Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Fashionable Military Boots, Bow!

my look. pix from
I am a huge fan of, a site for men's style guide and tips. As a self confessed metrosexual this site has been my fashion bible on how to dress up based on my personality and style. This where I get my idea of the latest fashion for men.

I don't know if I will take it as a compliment  or insult when my teacher in Special Education said to the whole class "Oh the Fashionista just arrived!", when I showed up in to class late wearing a long sleeve blue pastel checkered long sleeve, Guess Pants and Italian leather thong. I knew that he meant well but he doesn't have to announce it to  the whole class, I don't want further bloat my ego. Kidding. One  more incident when a  close friend introduced me to her new boyfriend as the the vainest among our "barkada" or peer.  That left  my mouth hanging open, I had to close it and smile and extended my hand for a shake. Again I know that she was just excited to see me and to introduce her boyfriend to us, but for her to describe me to her new beau  speaks a lot on how they talk about my back of me having a vanity kit which obviously was the origin of the word "vain" being attached to my name.  That hurts a bit but  I took it with grace and  aplomb even though I have a great personality and character which was rather overlooked.  

Just the other day, I called up my friend to go with me to the mall  to buy something and  to window shop, he agreed with excitement.  Thirty  minutes later, I arrived to his house wearing the usual shorts,  denim long sleeves and  my Aldo BouldenALDO Boulden - Men Casual Boots - Black - 12 Military boots that I  literally saw  on  face his excitement dissipating.  He must have thought what spectacle I am, I don't care as long as I am happy with what I was wearing.  The wait for the taxi was indeed a the longest silence we had, to dispel it, I bravely asked " Do you like my attire?" and sheepishly answered   " I look like your bodyguard!" noticing his short, t-shirt and Delhomme Aldo sneaker  which was according to him, he was under-dressed  and  I answered " Really!?" with my face contorting with irritation I added " Do you want me to go home and change to my pajamas?" and that jolted him out of his stupor, whatever it was. Great timing it was for when we arrived at the mall there was fashion show, my friend upon seeing said jokingly " I didn't know you are going to a fashion show?" I could have punched his face for that comment but I just laugh it off.

In a small city like Cagayan de Oro, one can seldom see people go out and be fashionable especially men. The common attire is slippers, shorts or jeans, t-shirt. There are however brave souls who really go out wearing long sleeves, jeans and the sneakers; that's how far fashion here can go.  No one really go out and make a shocking statement that is high fashion in nature not even women who get away with wearing out the normal.

Personally, grooming and dressing up well speaks volume of one's personality. That is what I realized a long time ago and I just followed that epiphany for myself. It is a crime to go out of the house looking like hag. We are in the age where television and the internet has made fashion really accessible. We only have to study and adapt what is appropriate to one's age and personality when dressing. Notice that we are drawn to people who looks well fashionably and physically and that we all wish that we are like them, but it was just an interest and not a commitment for we remain in the status quo looking like everybody else. I think that now is right time to dress up before it is too late when wearing spaghetti straps (for women) and skinny jeans complete with blings (for men) is no longer an option.

As I was studying Special Education, one fact that I learned was that dressing and grooming is very important to be a teacher. Students especially pre-preschoolers irrevocably trust a teacher that is well groomed and well dressed. Knowing this only reinforced my belief that I am indeed on the right track.

As expected, I did get a lot of gawks and stares from people for I was the alien from outer space. They were seizing me up, I was tempted to give them dagger looks instead I put on a the " I don't care" veneer for I am not apt to use my Aikido skills on them. Kidding. Yeah, I felt like different and I like it. I took it as a positive thing that maybe those people who were staring at me was wishing that  they are in my military boots.

As I get older, I have come to realize also that the present me was what I was dreaming  of since I was the lanky and awkward college student who wears hand me downs from cousins, with only two pairs of jeans and well-worn sneakers with holes in it. It is such a huge compliment when friends from high school and college would comment " You look handsome now and young!" and I fend off false humility and flash  on my megawatt smile and "Thanks!" Great moments indeed.

Me, wearing that Military boots only shows that I have come along way with my confidence!Bow! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

When Death Becomes a Livelihood

It has been a week since old woman died and still a public viewing is still being held.
It is not uncommon for Filipinos to hold a public viewing of the death for more than week especially if the reason is for he important members to arrive from far away places. It is customary for us Filipinos to take into consideration the wishes of the person before his or her death even to the extent that we vicariously thought of what must have that dead person would do or say when he or she was still alive.
As a fervent respect to our dearly beloved who passed away. We follow certain customs and superstitions. Like for as long as the dead is not buried yet no one should take a bath in the house where viewing is held otherwise it would be a bad omen. Any visitors should not bid goodbye to the host when visiting the dead. This is one perfect situation where one can go without being treated like a pariah for bad manners. Never to talk bad against the  one who is in the coffin no matter how bad she or he was for he or she who died cannot defend himself or herself. A big butterfly in the house especially during public viewing is believed to contain the dead man’s soul and should be treated with utter care or fear (goosebumps included). One should not clean the house for it is bad luck to do so. The coffin  should be carried out of house, funeral parlor and church head first to prevent the the soul from coming back. Always change clothes immediately at home after visiting the dead to get rid of any misfortunes and illnesses that must had attached with the dead.  Vigil should be held overnight in the entire duration of the wake for if everyone  fell asleep the dead will rise. Scary indeed. One important  ritual that all should do after burying the dead is to create a smoke out of grasses and everyone should pass by the smoking grass to get rid of the bad omen and illnesses or sickness. Most importantly, a prayer novena should be undertaken for 40 days since death. Like Jesus who had gone to heaven after 40 days.
We follow certain customs, believe some superstitions and  undertake rituals because we love and respect our dead. We may be in the age where reason and logic is given more emphasis and yet our mores when it comes to our dead are followed without question. Our being family oriented people make us readily accept what was the customs and traditions since time immemorial.
Such is my deep understanding and acceptance of our death rituals and belief that it irks me when people disrespect a dead. It had been a week since I saw a public viewing in the small chapel and until today it has not been buried. Every afternoon as a pass  by that small chapel I see the whole neighborhood of  that small community gathering outside the chapel like flies. They came in, if I may speculate, not to vigil but to gamble. I understand that playing card with small money involved is normal, this is for people to keep awake during  an overnight vigil. But  for some people like the ones I saw in that small chapel was an exception to the rule of decency especially when there are  some people conducting a dead prayer  to be  gambling with no care as to take a respite.This is not the worst I’ve seen nonetheless it touches a chord. I have seen news on television of gambling lords and people being arrested for buying dead bodies and install them make it look like there is wake when in fact those bodies are  just used as props to run a gambling den.
Such display of disrespect for the dead only show how people can transcend basic moral values that bind us as decent people.  All the superstitions, rituals and customs in relation to our dead is what keep us in balance and intact as a unique race for it goes beyond reason and when some people disrupt this, it skews that balance.
Just what I had seen in that public viewing at the chapel  left a bitter taste in my mouth for they could have just stop for a few minutes  in their gambling activity to involve themselves in novena prayer, but they were unmindful of it. Not only they have disrespected the dead but the our faith as well. It is a pity that the venue used to earn a living has involved even those who already rested in peace.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fish Oil, Vit B Complex and the 5K Run

In my 3 years membership with my gym, I never participated in any sports events or any activities that have for its anniversary. Last November, with the goading from the manager and the staff for me to join in at least the 5K Fun Run I finally acquiesced with great hesitation. Call me anti-social but I never had an intention to wake up 5:30 in my morning for the run especially with the list people who will run are not friends or some I have not seen working out. One major the reason why I am not into running  and jogging is not that I don't have a choice my body  type  does  not bode well with too much cardio activities for I get too skinny. To make my the run bearable, I dragged along a friend who is also a member of the gym. He had no choice  but to  run with me for I have him at a gun point. Kidding. I just paid for his registration so he has no excuse not to participate. 

The night before the run, I was still mauling the idea of participating. Probably, out of respect to the people who encouraged me and the spirit of camaraderie I dragged my butt out of the bed at 5:30 in the morning for the 6 AM run. I arrived at the gym still half awake and to see the poster boy of the gym and the everyday jogger as one of the participants made me even realize the folly of my action and made me want to go back home and crawl back to bed. Seeing how happy the manager and the staff to see me I was even more compelled to run. No excuse to escape for I am  already deep in the mud. Like a blur, I found myself and my friend on the street running on tandem while some participants passed by us with so much vigor and zest.  Feeling those aura from them it made me even more insecure however, in the deepest recesses of my mind it gave me the grit and determination to finish at least the race.  Then realization sets in for not even on my 1st kilometer that  I was already getting out of breath , thinking that I wouldn't be able to finish the race. At that moment, I was already  tempted to hail a jeep and hop in and go back to the gym and wait for the sweaty and huffing runners to arrive Nevertheless, my determined self won over and I started making the goals that I have to finish the race no matter what, sustain my breath for 4 more kilometers..uggh! and finish the damn race for myself and to the spirit of camaraderie. On the 2nd kilometer, I was already complaining to my friend who was still beside me running that I felt my legs are getting itchy, it was probably a physiological reaction to the sudden activity of running. My optimism was still high when we were passing by runners who were so enthused on the first leg nevertheless, the poster boy, the everyday jogger and one boy were still ahead of us as expected. On the 3rd leg, we  outran the everyday jogger and then the "one" boy who stopped running and started walking much to our delight. What a sudden twist of fate. The 4th kilometer of the race, I was still sustaining my breath, my pace and my determination. Then on the last leg, I was seeing that the poster boy is getting nearer and nearer from my vantage point, huffing with breath I blurted out " I gonna outrun that biatchh!" Jesting but that's what I said minus the "B" word and my friend answered " Let's! Let's volt in!" and we increased our momentum. Like Voltes V, me and my friend started out racing each other while keeping in mind that we have to kill the poster boy with our speed and we did. But, I was faster and so I finished first and second was my friend and  came in third was the poster boy. I can only speculate but  it was bit slap on his face when he was supposed lead the pack for he himself is a marathon enthusiast.
As I've said I don't jog or run but still I was able to finish and even won the race. Where that power came from? Determination? I believe it is one the factors but my biggest  suspicions and attributions to my winning the race is the Fish Oil and the Vitamin B Complex that I  took the night  before the race.   

What are the health benefits of Fish Oil (GNC) and Vit B Complex?  This is the nitty gritty part of my blog. It is said that fish oil promotes good blood circulation for it stops plaques and other bad cholesterol lumps from building up in one's arteries. Plaque's are obstruction of the arterial walls made up by Lp(a) cholesterol, tryglicerides- the fat formed by the body and Low density lipoprotein (LDL)or bad cholesterol.Daily intake of Fish oil  that is made up of Omega 3 fatty acids breaks up the plaques formed on the arteries and bring these garbage to the stomach to be expelled. That is why the good cholesterol or the High density lipoprotein (HDL) found in Fish Oil's Omega 3 fatty acid helps clear up any clotting on the arteries thereby incidents of blood pressure does not happen. 

It is also believed that Omega 3 fatty acids which contain Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is very useful for pregnant women for the  it  improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus of the baby while still in the womb. I guess Einstein babies are not impossible after all with Omega 3.  Great hopes can be expected by the older people who are candidates of Alzheimer's Disease or already have it for it helps break the plaques or proteins formed in the brain that are responsible for the disease. Omega 3 fatty acids also helps in stabilizing and improved the disposition of people suffering from bipolar disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,  ADHD, dysgraxia, dyslexia and other disorders. How does it work? The brain is made up 60% fat with the aid of Omega 3 fatty acids it keeps the brain to function well. One of the reasons why Fish Oil is one of my constant daily supplement because it keeps depression, anxiety, sadness and other emotional and mental problems at bay. A research conducted at the University of Sheffield and other research studies found that supplement of Omega 3 fish oil alleviate the symptoms of psychosis, bipolar disorder and depression.

That is not all! My daily intake of Fish Oil also keeps my skin and hair healthy. It is also said that is good for preventing acne for it helps regulate androgen responsible for this occurrence on the surface of the skin. To boast further the health benefits of fish oil. It can also can slow down macular degeneration or the muscles of the eye, help delay weight loss of cancer patients and fertility by enhancing the quality of the sperm. By means of keeping the sperm cells protected from peroxidative attacks once it is released in the female's genital tract thereby increasing the chances of conception.   
Daily health supplement of Fish oil  also helps in controlling one's weight as an effect it keeps the weight down thereby lessening the pressure in the joints of the legs  otherwise arthritis and other ailments  due to inflamed joints  that could occur if one does not maintain an one's ideal weight.       

What about Vitamin B Complex, what are its health benefits? Again a the nitty gritty portion of my blog. Vitamin B complex as the word complex suggest is made of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), B2( Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 ( Panthothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxineand and Pyridoxamine), B7 (Biotin), B9 also Vitamin M and Vitamin B-c (Folic acid) and B 12 (Cyanocobalamin). Whew! Indeed a lot in small tablet. Basically, Vit B Complex provides us the energy that we need for daily physical functions. It is vital for good metabolism, repair of the nerves of the nervous system and  good maintenance of vital organs like eyes, muscles, skin and hair. It is interesting to know that our body is not capable of manufacturing Vit B Complex. So how do we get it from? We can get it from fish and meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetable. A rundown of each of this B Vitamins

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - is an antioxidant that protects the body from degenerative disease caused by smoking, aging, alcohol and smoking. It also enhances the brain activities,  blood circulation and formation. 

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)- helps in blood production and growth, treat cataracts, metabolize carbohydrates , fats and proteins to be used as body energy and eliminate dandruff.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- improves memory and and blood circulation. 

Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic Acid) enhances stamina, prevents anemia, produce adrenal hormones and anti bodies. Just like Vit B2 it also metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein for energy and also helpful in treating anxiety and depression.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-it helps in the production of anti bodies, immune system, normal brain function. As such, it also an anti cancer agent and also prevents arteriosclerosis-a disease characterized by hardening of the arteries. It is used as a treatment for arthritis, asthma and  allergies.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)- for good hair and skin, promotes healthy sweat glands, bone marrow, nervous system and metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)-helps produce red blood cells, makes DNA for babies in the fetus and prevent birth defects. 

Vitamin B 12 (Methylcobalamin)- helps prevent Parkinson's disease or slow down it down if one has it already. It also help produce red blood cells to prevent anemia and good for the cardiovascular system.

How much eating of those things can we say that we have our daily dose of Vit B Complex? But with a the pill form we are assured of the exact content of the Vit B Complex.  However, good vitamin as it may it should be taken with the advise from the physician for it is counter indicative of maintenance medicine and can cause problems with people with ulcers and liver problems, breastfeeding women and diabetic. 

Knowing this consideration of Vit B Complex, I guess I have not erred in taking Fish Oil and Vit B Complex at once. Any contra indications that Vit B Complex has is offset by the  Fish Oil. It is safe to say that my taking the Vitamin  B Complex and Fish Oil the night before my race helped me in giving me the energy and oxygen that I need in that fun run. Otherwise, if it hadn't for that supplements I could have resembled like dying vegetable at the 1st kilometer.  I attribute my winning the race to the help of those supplements.

Now I have become a legend at the gym- the dark horse who outraced the poster boy who they have the highest hope to win. Legend I was because I don't jog or run but I won the race all because of my determination, fish oil and vitamin B complex. The sweet taste of victory.



1. Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55