{EAV_BLOG_VER:e8827be57898c6c5}It took me supreme effort not to undertake on a verbal discourse with tour guide who was criticizing my beloved cocos nuciferus, the scientific name of coconut. He avowed, with disgust on his face, to my tour mate, how detrimental coconut is for eating than dates, which was prevalent in Israel when I was on a trip. I guess what he meant was the cooking oil not the coconut itself.
Without a doubt, cooking oil, coconut as base ingredient, is less healthful to use because of the chemical mixed with it and the treatment process it went through. For example, aniline found in coconut oil is one key chemical ingredients used in making bomb and is a carcinogen. How is it used in our cooking oil? Aniline is used principally to bind the chemicals that make up the cooking oil. Yet, there is healthier option that is also derived from coconut-the virgin coconut oil. It is beneficial because it didn’t go through a chemical and high treatment. The coconut meat is shredded, then cold-pressed using coconut water to produce the whitish milk once it is done it is made to “sit” for an hour until water and the oil separates. For this reason, the word virgin was concocted of how it is extracted.
What are health benefits of virgin coconut oil? It is said that the virgin coconut oil when daily consumed can eradicate virus and bacteria on human like influenza, herpes, different skin diseases and even HIV. The truth that the fat derived from coconut is now used commercially in baby formulas, mixed with IV fluids and sports drinks (to heighten energy and improve athletic performance). In addition, it is now being promoted as an option supplement in killing cancer cells. For the beauty conscious, ingesting virgin coconut oil as a drink can slow down signs of aging. Lastly, virgin coconut oil can help people who want to lose weight.
It is suggested for someone who wants to drink virgin coconut oil as a therapeutic alternative; the dosage would be 3-4 tablespoon a day. The lauric acid in the virgin coconut oil can improve the immune system for your body to fight for its disease or health problems.
Some people who are saying against the use of coconut oil are lead astray into thinking that coconut oil as being unhealthy can now rest their hatchet for the 90% saturated fats, unsaturated fatty acids –the monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in virgin coconut oil is good for the health. The saturated fat found in coconut oil is lauric acid, to repeat, can enhance the immune system. The Linoleic Acid can to lower bad cholesterol especially helpful to patients with diabetes for it normalizes glucose production of the body. On the other hand, Oleic Acid is an antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body.
As for my tour guide, I just expected that he should have peruse articles about coconut before he blurts things against coconut for he is not doing justice to the coconut that does not deserve an unsavory reputation.