Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Fashionable Military Boots, Bow!

my look. pix from
I am a huge fan of, a site for men's style guide and tips. As a self confessed metrosexual this site has been my fashion bible on how to dress up based on my personality and style. This where I get my idea of the latest fashion for men.

I don't know if I will take it as a compliment  or insult when my teacher in Special Education said to the whole class "Oh the Fashionista just arrived!", when I showed up in to class late wearing a long sleeve blue pastel checkered long sleeve, Guess Pants and Italian leather thong. I knew that he meant well but he doesn't have to announce it to  the whole class, I don't want further bloat my ego. Kidding. One  more incident when a  close friend introduced me to her new boyfriend as the the vainest among our "barkada" or peer.  That left  my mouth hanging open, I had to close it and smile and extended my hand for a shake. Again I know that she was just excited to see me and to introduce her boyfriend to us, but for her to describe me to her new beau  speaks a lot on how they talk about my back of me having a vanity kit which obviously was the origin of the word "vain" being attached to my name.  That hurts a bit but  I took it with grace and  aplomb even though I have a great personality and character which was rather overlooked.  

Just the other day, I called up my friend to go with me to the mall  to buy something and  to window shop, he agreed with excitement.  Thirty  minutes later, I arrived to his house wearing the usual shorts,  denim long sleeves and  my Aldo BouldenALDO Boulden - Men Casual Boots - Black - 12 Military boots that I  literally saw  on  face his excitement dissipating.  He must have thought what spectacle I am, I don't care as long as I am happy with what I was wearing.  The wait for the taxi was indeed a the longest silence we had, to dispel it, I bravely asked " Do you like my attire?" and sheepishly answered   " I look like your bodyguard!" noticing his short, t-shirt and Delhomme Aldo sneaker  which was according to him, he was under-dressed  and  I answered " Really!?" with my face contorting with irritation I added " Do you want me to go home and change to my pajamas?" and that jolted him out of his stupor, whatever it was. Great timing it was for when we arrived at the mall there was fashion show, my friend upon seeing said jokingly " I didn't know you are going to a fashion show?" I could have punched his face for that comment but I just laugh it off.

In a small city like Cagayan de Oro, one can seldom see people go out and be fashionable especially men. The common attire is slippers, shorts or jeans, t-shirt. There are however brave souls who really go out wearing long sleeves, jeans and the sneakers; that's how far fashion here can go.  No one really go out and make a shocking statement that is high fashion in nature not even women who get away with wearing out the normal.

Personally, grooming and dressing up well speaks volume of one's personality. That is what I realized a long time ago and I just followed that epiphany for myself. It is a crime to go out of the house looking like hag. We are in the age where television and the internet has made fashion really accessible. We only have to study and adapt what is appropriate to one's age and personality when dressing. Notice that we are drawn to people who looks well fashionably and physically and that we all wish that we are like them, but it was just an interest and not a commitment for we remain in the status quo looking like everybody else. I think that now is right time to dress up before it is too late when wearing spaghetti straps (for women) and skinny jeans complete with blings (for men) is no longer an option.

As I was studying Special Education, one fact that I learned was that dressing and grooming is very important to be a teacher. Students especially pre-preschoolers irrevocably trust a teacher that is well groomed and well dressed. Knowing this only reinforced my belief that I am indeed on the right track.

As expected, I did get a lot of gawks and stares from people for I was the alien from outer space. They were seizing me up, I was tempted to give them dagger looks instead I put on a the " I don't care" veneer for I am not apt to use my Aikido skills on them. Kidding. Yeah, I felt like different and I like it. I took it as a positive thing that maybe those people who were staring at me was wishing that  they are in my military boots.

As I get older, I have come to realize also that the present me was what I was dreaming  of since I was the lanky and awkward college student who wears hand me downs from cousins, with only two pairs of jeans and well-worn sneakers with holes in it. It is such a huge compliment when friends from high school and college would comment " You look handsome now and young!" and I fend off false humility and flash  on my megawatt smile and "Thanks!" Great moments indeed.

Me, wearing that Military boots only shows that I have come along way with my confidence!Bow! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

When Death Becomes a Livelihood

It has been a week since old woman died and still a public viewing is still being held.
It is not uncommon for Filipinos to hold a public viewing of the death for more than week especially if the reason is for he important members to arrive from far away places. It is customary for us Filipinos to take into consideration the wishes of the person before his or her death even to the extent that we vicariously thought of what must have that dead person would do or say when he or she was still alive.
As a fervent respect to our dearly beloved who passed away. We follow certain customs and superstitions. Like for as long as the dead is not buried yet no one should take a bath in the house where viewing is held otherwise it would be a bad omen. Any visitors should not bid goodbye to the host when visiting the dead. This is one perfect situation where one can go without being treated like a pariah for bad manners. Never to talk bad against the  one who is in the coffin no matter how bad she or he was for he or she who died cannot defend himself or herself. A big butterfly in the house especially during public viewing is believed to contain the dead man’s soul and should be treated with utter care or fear (goosebumps included). One should not clean the house for it is bad luck to do so. The coffin  should be carried out of house, funeral parlor and church head first to prevent the the soul from coming back. Always change clothes immediately at home after visiting the dead to get rid of any misfortunes and illnesses that must had attached with the dead.  Vigil should be held overnight in the entire duration of the wake for if everyone  fell asleep the dead will rise. Scary indeed. One important  ritual that all should do after burying the dead is to create a smoke out of grasses and everyone should pass by the smoking grass to get rid of the bad omen and illnesses or sickness. Most importantly, a prayer novena should be undertaken for 40 days since death. Like Jesus who had gone to heaven after 40 days.
We follow certain customs, believe some superstitions and  undertake rituals because we love and respect our dead. We may be in the age where reason and logic is given more emphasis and yet our mores when it comes to our dead are followed without question. Our being family oriented people make us readily accept what was the customs and traditions since time immemorial.
Such is my deep understanding and acceptance of our death rituals and belief that it irks me when people disrespect a dead. It had been a week since I saw a public viewing in the small chapel and until today it has not been buried. Every afternoon as a pass  by that small chapel I see the whole neighborhood of  that small community gathering outside the chapel like flies. They came in, if I may speculate, not to vigil but to gamble. I understand that playing card with small money involved is normal, this is for people to keep awake during  an overnight vigil. But  for some people like the ones I saw in that small chapel was an exception to the rule of decency especially when there are  some people conducting a dead prayer  to be  gambling with no care as to take a respite.This is not the worst I’ve seen nonetheless it touches a chord. I have seen news on television of gambling lords and people being arrested for buying dead bodies and install them make it look like there is wake when in fact those bodies are  just used as props to run a gambling den.
Such display of disrespect for the dead only show how people can transcend basic moral values that bind us as decent people.  All the superstitions, rituals and customs in relation to our dead is what keep us in balance and intact as a unique race for it goes beyond reason and when some people disrupt this, it skews that balance.
Just what I had seen in that public viewing at the chapel  left a bitter taste in my mouth for they could have just stop for a few minutes  in their gambling activity to involve themselves in novena prayer, but they were unmindful of it. Not only they have disrespected the dead but the our faith as well. It is a pity that the venue used to earn a living has involved even those who already rested in peace.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fish Oil, Vit B Complex and the 5K Run

In my 3 years membership with my gym, I never participated in any sports events or any activities that have for its anniversary. Last November, with the goading from the manager and the staff for me to join in at least the 5K Fun Run I finally acquiesced with great hesitation. Call me anti-social but I never had an intention to wake up 5:30 in my morning for the run especially with the list people who will run are not friends or some I have not seen working out. One major the reason why I am not into running  and jogging is not that I don't have a choice my body  type  does  not bode well with too much cardio activities for I get too skinny. To make my the run bearable, I dragged along a friend who is also a member of the gym. He had no choice  but to  run with me for I have him at a gun point. Kidding. I just paid for his registration so he has no excuse not to participate. 

The night before the run, I was still mauling the idea of participating. Probably, out of respect to the people who encouraged me and the spirit of camaraderie I dragged my butt out of the bed at 5:30 in the morning for the 6 AM run. I arrived at the gym still half awake and to see the poster boy of the gym and the everyday jogger as one of the participants made me even realize the folly of my action and made me want to go back home and crawl back to bed. Seeing how happy the manager and the staff to see me I was even more compelled to run. No excuse to escape for I am  already deep in the mud. Like a blur, I found myself and my friend on the street running on tandem while some participants passed by us with so much vigor and zest.  Feeling those aura from them it made me even more insecure however, in the deepest recesses of my mind it gave me the grit and determination to finish at least the race.  Then realization sets in for not even on my 1st kilometer that  I was already getting out of breath , thinking that I wouldn't be able to finish the race. At that moment, I was already  tempted to hail a jeep and hop in and go back to the gym and wait for the sweaty and huffing runners to arrive Nevertheless, my determined self won over and I started making the goals that I have to finish the race no matter what, sustain my breath for 4 more kilometers..uggh! and finish the damn race for myself and to the spirit of camaraderie. On the 2nd kilometer, I was already complaining to my friend who was still beside me running that I felt my legs are getting itchy, it was probably a physiological reaction to the sudden activity of running. My optimism was still high when we were passing by runners who were so enthused on the first leg nevertheless, the poster boy, the everyday jogger and one boy were still ahead of us as expected. On the 3rd leg, we  outran the everyday jogger and then the "one" boy who stopped running and started walking much to our delight. What a sudden twist of fate. The 4th kilometer of the race, I was still sustaining my breath, my pace and my determination. Then on the last leg, I was seeing that the poster boy is getting nearer and nearer from my vantage point, huffing with breath I blurted out " I gonna outrun that biatchh!" Jesting but that's what I said minus the "B" word and my friend answered " Let's! Let's volt in!" and we increased our momentum. Like Voltes V, me and my friend started out racing each other while keeping in mind that we have to kill the poster boy with our speed and we did. But, I was faster and so I finished first and second was my friend and  came in third was the poster boy. I can only speculate but  it was bit slap on his face when he was supposed lead the pack for he himself is a marathon enthusiast.
As I've said I don't jog or run but still I was able to finish and even won the race. Where that power came from? Determination? I believe it is one the factors but my biggest  suspicions and attributions to my winning the race is the Fish Oil and the Vitamin B Complex that I  took the night  before the race.   

What are the health benefits of Fish Oil (GNC) and Vit B Complex?  This is the nitty gritty part of my blog. It is said that fish oil promotes good blood circulation for it stops plaques and other bad cholesterol lumps from building up in one's arteries. Plaque's are obstruction of the arterial walls made up by Lp(a) cholesterol, tryglicerides- the fat formed by the body and Low density lipoprotein (LDL)or bad cholesterol.Daily intake of Fish oil  that is made up of Omega 3 fatty acids breaks up the plaques formed on the arteries and bring these garbage to the stomach to be expelled. That is why the good cholesterol or the High density lipoprotein (HDL) found in Fish Oil's Omega 3 fatty acid helps clear up any clotting on the arteries thereby incidents of blood pressure does not happen. 

It is also believed that Omega 3 fatty acids which contain Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is very useful for pregnant women for the  it  improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus of the baby while still in the womb. I guess Einstein babies are not impossible after all with Omega 3.  Great hopes can be expected by the older people who are candidates of Alzheimer's Disease or already have it for it helps break the plaques or proteins formed in the brain that are responsible for the disease. Omega 3 fatty acids also helps in stabilizing and improved the disposition of people suffering from bipolar disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,  ADHD, dysgraxia, dyslexia and other disorders. How does it work? The brain is made up 60% fat with the aid of Omega 3 fatty acids it keeps the brain to function well. One of the reasons why Fish Oil is one of my constant daily supplement because it keeps depression, anxiety, sadness and other emotional and mental problems at bay. A research conducted at the University of Sheffield and other research studies found that supplement of Omega 3 fish oil alleviate the symptoms of psychosis, bipolar disorder and depression.

That is not all! My daily intake of Fish Oil also keeps my skin and hair healthy. It is also said that is good for preventing acne for it helps regulate androgen responsible for this occurrence on the surface of the skin. To boast further the health benefits of fish oil. It can also can slow down macular degeneration or the muscles of the eye, help delay weight loss of cancer patients and fertility by enhancing the quality of the sperm. By means of keeping the sperm cells protected from peroxidative attacks once it is released in the female's genital tract thereby increasing the chances of conception.   
Daily health supplement of Fish oil  also helps in controlling one's weight as an effect it keeps the weight down thereby lessening the pressure in the joints of the legs  otherwise arthritis and other ailments  due to inflamed joints  that could occur if one does not maintain an one's ideal weight.       

What about Vitamin B Complex, what are its health benefits? Again a the nitty gritty portion of my blog. Vitamin B complex as the word complex suggest is made of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), B2( Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 ( Panthothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxineand and Pyridoxamine), B7 (Biotin), B9 also Vitamin M and Vitamin B-c (Folic acid) and B 12 (Cyanocobalamin). Whew! Indeed a lot in small tablet. Basically, Vit B Complex provides us the energy that we need for daily physical functions. It is vital for good metabolism, repair of the nerves of the nervous system and  good maintenance of vital organs like eyes, muscles, skin and hair. It is interesting to know that our body is not capable of manufacturing Vit B Complex. So how do we get it from? We can get it from fish and meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetable. A rundown of each of this B Vitamins

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - is an antioxidant that protects the body from degenerative disease caused by smoking, aging, alcohol and smoking. It also enhances the brain activities,  blood circulation and formation. 

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)- helps in blood production and growth, treat cataracts, metabolize carbohydrates , fats and proteins to be used as body energy and eliminate dandruff.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- improves memory and and blood circulation. 

Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic Acid) enhances stamina, prevents anemia, produce adrenal hormones and anti bodies. Just like Vit B2 it also metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein for energy and also helpful in treating anxiety and depression.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-it helps in the production of anti bodies, immune system, normal brain function. As such, it also an anti cancer agent and also prevents arteriosclerosis-a disease characterized by hardening of the arteries. It is used as a treatment for arthritis, asthma and  allergies.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)- for good hair and skin, promotes healthy sweat glands, bone marrow, nervous system and metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)-helps produce red blood cells, makes DNA for babies in the fetus and prevent birth defects. 

Vitamin B 12 (Methylcobalamin)- helps prevent Parkinson's disease or slow down it down if one has it already. It also help produce red blood cells to prevent anemia and good for the cardiovascular system.

How much eating of those things can we say that we have our daily dose of Vit B Complex? But with a the pill form we are assured of the exact content of the Vit B Complex.  However, good vitamin as it may it should be taken with the advise from the physician for it is counter indicative of maintenance medicine and can cause problems with people with ulcers and liver problems, breastfeeding women and diabetic. 

Knowing this consideration of Vit B Complex, I guess I have not erred in taking Fish Oil and Vit B Complex at once. Any contra indications that Vit B Complex has is offset by the  Fish Oil. It is safe to say that my taking the Vitamin  B Complex and Fish Oil the night before my race helped me in giving me the energy and oxygen that I need in that fun run. Otherwise, if it hadn't for that supplements I could have resembled like dying vegetable at the 1st kilometer.  I attribute my winning the race to the help of those supplements.

Now I have become a legend at the gym- the dark horse who outraced the poster boy who they have the highest hope to win. Legend I was because I don't jog or run but I won the race all because of my determination, fish oil and vitamin B complex. The sweet taste of victory.



1. Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55    



Monday, January 24, 2011

A Song For Mama

The title does ring a bell. I borrowed the title from a song released by Boyz II Men hundred years ago. Kidding. I always love the song " A song for Mama", in fact it is one songs that will never be removed from my Ipod. Cheesy as it may sound "Mama" by the Spice Girls is another song that will I will never tire singing. Obviously, It would always remind me of my mother who struggled to raise the 8 of us. I remembered my mother would beg, borrow and plead money from my Aunts, Uncles and friends in order for her serve us food that we need to survive while our father shamelessly laze around. Going to school was hard, but me and my siblings took it on stride for we know that our struggles will come to an end. One time our youngest  sister got so sick, that she my mother have to plead for the doctor to save her despite not having the down payment to the hospital. Another, was when she had a miscarriage that she literally got up the hospital bed to the social service welfare to ask for help when  she didn't have the money to pay for the hospital  while our father was drinking somewhere living like a bachelor. Another was when the twins was born , my mother, have no choice but to give the girl twin to her brother for adoption knowing that she might not be able to give her the life that  she wanted.  Those were just few of  the many painful memories that motivated us to finish school and end our poverty.      

It is not surprising that whenever I hear songs dedicated to mother would always make me emotional. I still cannot believe how she single handedly struggled through humiliation, pride and pain to feed us. That amazing feat is very hard to understand until now. So when I hear songs about Mama makes me teary eyed and I am not ashamed to admit it. As I was browsing the net for a mama song by Boyz II Men when I chanced up a video that really made me cry a bucket. It is a poem originally written in Tagalog by Rev. Fr. Ariel F. Robles, a priest who wrote the poem dedicated to the mothers of the world. 

It is poem that made me realize how important my mother to me and my siblings. Without her, I don't know how I would live for her deeds was an inspiration to live life how my mother lived it. Despite the struggles and odds she was able to raise us.  

Friday, January 21, 2011

Death of Mayang

Mayang was 3-year old girl. She was a daughter of our house help of 3 years. I remembered her to be a normal kid with thin hair, a drool dripping off her mouth and a baby dress that was a little bit unkempt.

While Marites does our laundry, Mayang would sit in front of her while munching on some food that my mother would routinely give her- a chocolate, candy, lollipop, biscuit  and etc. Out of curiosity, one time I asked Marites why Mayang cannot sever herself from her skirt? Her answer was " Kuya mag hilaka kung biya-an naku." meaning she would bawl over when Marites would leave her. Since, there are a twins in the house, my nephews, who were of the  same age with her, my mother would carry Mayang to let her play with them. The few attempts of play with the twins were a failure for she would get scared with the boys (twins) and cry her heart out. One time, Kuya, the oldest twin, smacked her, probably out of irritation of her incessant crying.w Eventually, the she got used to seeing the boys that little by little she mastered enough courage  to  start playing with the toys of the boys and actually interact with them. But it wasn't as smooth with the twins either for they would band together and gang up on her.  Definitely, children especially kids of the age of 2 are going through a phase where jealousy and territorial feeling reign supreme in their emotions and thoughts. As Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Theory would explain, the twins are in their Autonomy/Shame and Doubt stage where another stranger, not a part of the immediate family, is viewed as a threat of the attention they get form adults. So, with this in mind I understand the twins behavior toward Mayang.

One should wonder where is Marites husband? By the way, Marites and her husband belong in tribal community in Gingoog. Well, he was a drunkard who doesn't earn a living to support the family. Sometimes, it is hard to understand the tribal tradition and customs of a role of man to his family. Could it be that women in that tribal community, works the most while the boys lounge around? Or that the man only role is to  work a little and expects to be serviced by the women? I can only speculate. No matter what the custom is, it is still not right to drink your day away while Marites works to feed the family and even extended family of her husband. Since, the husband was irresponsible, Marites doesn't trust  to leave Mayang to him for in his drinking stupor, he might hurt her which, sadly  I heard that he did. He once toss Mayang out of window of their cardboard of a shack house. Poor child!  We  even played the devils advocate in  advising Marites to hide the money that we pay her, when  confided that Jomar, the husband, was stealing money from her to buy hard liquor. Eventually, Marites got fed up that she decided to  stop doing our laundry to teach or inspire her husband to work.  With her decision,  we are left with no choice but to let her go.

Definitely, hunger was one motivation for one to start working which  Jomar exactly did. He worked as construction worker and  the family was able to eat 3 times a day. However, it was short lived for Jomar contacted a bug laziness that resorted the family ask for food from the neighborhood, including us. No matter, how much we hate to give but we cannot turn blind eye to their situation.  Probably, out malnutrition and no proper care, Mayang got sick, she suffered a bad case of diarrhea that left her weak with dehydration, she was about 1 and 6 months at that time. Thankfully, she pulled through and lived. However, that wasn't the only sickness she experienced. When she was 2 years old, she suffered a respiratory problem that again almost killed her. From my mother's account, Mayang turned blue and had convulsion, the family had no recourse but to bring her to the Provincial Hospital, however Marites have to bring her home for it was useless to stay admitted in the hospital when they can't buy all the medicine prescribed  by the doctor. Resilient she was, Mayang won over that illness and live albeit looking skin and bones.  That incident made Marites decide to come back to us and work.

Marites after Mayang's death scare went back working with us.  Again, the same cycle happened Jomar got tired working that he decided to bring his family home to Gingoog in their tribal community. As much as we don't want Marites to go we gave her our blessings. The family sold their cardboard of a house and Marites collected her pay with an extra from us  with Mayang and her brother in tow they went home.  We never heard from them. Until, the other day when I went home from a workout, my mother said to me " Look who is washing our clothes?" and I answered " Who?"  and when I checked it was Marites. I asked " Naa lagi ka Tes? (Why are you here Tes?)", with curiosity she answered, " Kuha-on lang namu anfg mga sinina na nabilin namu Kuya (We just came back to get our clothes  that we left behind Kuya.)"Then my mother sadly told me " Namatay na baya si Mayang ( Mayang died)" and  I blurted out in disbelief  " Ngano man?( What? Why?) " and my mother answered me " Namatay sa suka  ug kalibang (She died of diarrhea)? and turned to Marites " Tes, ngano wala man ninyo gidala sa hospital?! (Why didn't you bring her to the hospital!?) she said while still dripping wet from washing " Layo man gud Kuya (We are far Kuya ( from the hospital) " and that stopped me dead in my tracks.

I may not be reconcile her answer but I cannot discount  circumstances of their inability to bring Mayang to the hospital. Pity is what I felt, I gave money to Marites for  I knew that getting their clothes was just an underlying reason.

I retrospect, I felt sad for the little girl who I had seen growing up who could have been a person fated for greatness, but the circumstances that brought to her death made a stop to it.  Can I blame the parents? I did but given their situation all I can do was to resign to the reality that some people because of their economic state can be helpless as to stop the death of their daughter.  There's no going back time, all I can do is pray for her soul and that she can find peace where when she was alive her life was full of sickness, hunger and trials.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It May Work or Not: Perfect White

Beaming with excitement over the anti-aging pill and their other amazing products, I signed up with AIM Global- a legitimate Multi Level Marketing Company for me to enjoy the retail 25% discount of all their products and the health and economic benefits it could give me. As soon as I paid my  membership with them,  I started selling my products one the firsts that I sold was the Perfect White, an skin whitening and Anti aging product. I know that it works for me, I still doesn't know that it would work with others. Despite, the doubt, I kept my optimism high hoping that the product could provide the promises it boasted of -  the "botox" effect on the skin and making the skin fairer.

True enough the two persons I sold the product with  discounting me, said that it works and very happy with it for they see results that after a few days of usage. They felt the tightening of the their skin and pores on the face closing up. A good testimony that further gained me more confidence with the product. 

So what are ingredients of Perfect White? It has L-Cysteine Peptide that is 3-5 times more potent than glutathione that was extracted from the yeast. L-Cysteine Peptide acts an agent that will synthesize the natural glutathione that a human body has. The Apple Polyphenol found to be 2-6 times more powerful than Vit C also acts as anti oxidant that will prevent tissue damage such as wrinkles in the face by strengthening the muscle thereby giving the skin the "botox" effect. That is not all, the Grape Seed Extract as one of the main ingredients will, also act as a powerful anti oxidant. Scientific claims state that it is 20 times more potent  than Vit C and 50 times potent than Vit E , compounds that slow down aging. Aside from that, the extract also improves joint flexibility, vision and strengthening the veins and capillaries for better circulation. The Procyanidins present in grape seeds are known to exert anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and anti-allergic activities in the body. As it is an anti oxidant agent it will also prevent cancer and other tumor from forming. The astaxanthin in Perfect White acts natural sunscreen that will shield our skin from ultra-violet damage. 

Having those ingredients in bottle of Perfect White, it is no wonder that it will work. We are in the age where our environment is slowly deteriorating, our diet laced with preservatives  and chemicals  that  further damage our body immune system and the air that we breathe is full of free radicals that will age us fast . Despite this harsh change, we are blessed by nature on how to protect ourselves through her flora. Now it is for us to decide how to harness those benefits to our health protection.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I am so Happy I am Fat

Although, I would be a bit happy if I can gain a few pounds of muscle not fat of  my  5'10 height and 140 lbs weight frame but to some people at gym, they went overboard  about aiming  for 180-200 pounds of blabber. Wow! I never knew that getting fat is making a comeback. Since when did  getting heavy with fat has become an "in"  thing. Just this morning I was performing my Press down exercise  without  gusto when this guy suddenly burst my bubble and exclaimed out happily to the whole world shouting " Ticz, I am already 188 lbs, 12 more to go! Wohoo!" and Ticz, our gym instructor answered " Yehey! Way to go 12 more pounds!" and in my mind I was saying "Way to go fatso, I am happy for you! You belly looks a globe! Ewww!" Joking no offense to the fats in the world. May your weight carry to the top of the Mt. Olympus.

I don't know what is happening with my body that when I stop lifting weight, I shrink. My weight when I stopped working out was around 147 lbs and when I came back 1 month after I lost the 7 pounds which bother's me a lot. All my life, until 5 years ago my weight was 112-117 lbs. I was way so skinny no matter how much I indiscreetly eat my metabolism doesn't cut me some slack to get fat. Believe me, before I had dreamed and wished of having those fat belly. Every time I see people with big belly, I envy them . What else can skinny guy could do but to get fat.  Until 5 years ago,  with persistence and drive I started eating  my way to 155 lbs. I should be celebrating  my new found when a classmate commented right on my face  " You  look skinny and yet you have a big belly."  She was rather harsh on my new found happiness. By the way, I may had gained weight but I still look skinny because I have small frame body structure. That comment shook me up my reverie and started seeing myself in mirror of how unsightly to see my hanging belly. I took that as a motivation me to enroll in the gym and start lifting.  

Because of my concern over my sudden loss of weight, I consulted the gym instructor on how to gain muscle and weight? That question of mine, opened the floodgate of muscle and strength training. He was medically explaining  to me about how much food I should eat, supplements to take, workout programs to do and many others that I was totally lost in his fitness blabber. Then I asked  " What I am going to do first if I want to have 150 lbs weight and  attain that Zanjoe Marudo( A Filipino model/ actor)? " Simply he answered me back with nonchalance " Get FAT until your 180 lbs" and I frighteningly blurted out " What?!"  he said " No joke. You have to get fat". Who is he kidding? Me? After all the sweat and effort I invested into maintaining my flat belly I have to get fat.  To ease me out of my fear of getting heavy he scientifically explained to me the logic behind why I have to gain weight to 180 lbs. 

Getting FAT he meant that I eat mountain of food-  great serving of rice during mealtime and snacks  consisting of carbohydrates that I can lay my hands on until I reach my goal of  180 lbs.  When I reach that peak that is the time I am going to go on a diet and exercise like death  to define my body like Zanjoe. Although, Zanjoe's body "cut" is to be envied for, I still found myself grumbling for with my weight now see the definition of my abs  which I freakishly worked out for months and from what I can see from the mirrors in the gym and at home I don't really look that skeletal, do I? Seriously, I don't look unhealthy just that the rate of my weight loss is alarming for me. Why not consult a doctor? Well, I a phobiea with doctors and anything that smells like hospital. 

His explanation was that one has to get fat in order to get ripped. How?  That FAT is going to give the body the energy  after a serious workout. Meaning, the protein that one consumed from food and supplements will repair  muscle that was damaged from working out instead of  converting  it to energy for the body.  If one does not have fat to provide energy the tendency of  the body is to use muscle protein to compensate for it . So if your are thin and works our real hard you will end up like shrinking violet.      

That conversation was 4 days ago and I am still contemplating doing his advise. I really hate to see my abs disappear because I wanted a body like the actor. Is it worth the pain if not the pleasure of eating if I look in the mirror I see my ballooning face  and body  or see my belly sticking out of my shirt? Is it really worth the risk? I guess, the one thing I am doing now of all the things that he advised  is to scratch out my cardiology exercise.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Multi Level Marketing Won Me Over

I had viewed networking with deep skepticism. I have been invited with a few companies that specializes on networking and I totally fell asleep as some speakers ply me with astrological millions of money on my face. Thank God, I followed my instincts for not committing into their schemes  for I know it was scam. Proven I was right, years after networking companies were on the headlines being investigated  and taken to the courts for  not  actually selling the products that they offer but  making money out of recruiting people for distributorship which was considered pyramid scheme. I am not saying that all networking company was stinking bad , there are some legal companies who deals with honesty and integrity but for me it wasn't my cup of tea or coffee. 

Until recently, my sister convinced me to buy a product and I was intrigued. Out of vanity, I purchased a anti aging pill which they assured to really work. That was enough for me to believe, I entitled to be gullible, can't I? I bought a bottle of Perfect White. To salve my fangs of guilt, I bought my mother a box of C 24/7, a mega supplement or nutritional which is made by Nature's Way. Convinced I was, the products does work. That ended my reservation to register to AIM Global, a Multi-Level Marketing company.

Why did I let go of my skepticism? The primary reason was products used and it worked for me. I believe that I can identify with the company and can actually sell the products they are offering. Second, it will give me a chance to put into practice my selling skill which I dreamt of fulfilling. Thirdly, I don t have spend a lot of money to buy their kit. In business point of view, it is like buying a franchise without the fee and royalties. I can do business my own without a boss to bark orders to me and I don't have to pay a rent, salary and other expenses that goes with a business. Lastly, the company have good running system and trainings that I can exploit or make use which I believe will enrich and enhance my entrepreneurial self.    

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is business strategy in which a registered person with the company invites a potential distributor to be part of the business to either sell the product or recruit others.  This new distributor will be part of the recruiter's (the upline) as a down line and as the system would suggest this will eventually become a web of downlines and uplines. People in the network can and will generate income based from direct selling of the products and recruitment. Because of the pyramid scheme that was blown out as an illegal activity, MLM has been unfairly associated with it. 

So what won me over AIM Global? Simply, because they good products which I can assuredly sell with no apprehension it will not work. As any legal requirement, the new distributor have to "invest" 75% to make it legitimate. With AIM Global, for the 7,980 that I invested, I get 6000 pesos worth of products and the rest as insurance, medical check up and a 50% of an affiliate school that I or the one I waived  right of  discount my privilege might want to enroll. One of the privileges that AIM Global also offers is the 25% lifetime discount in all  product that if I sell I will get a 25% net revenue and there is no maintaining amount or purchase  to be considered " activated" membership.  That for me is great convincing factor that led me to register with the company. 

Although, I cannot discount the fact that I still have reservations about joining nevertheless, by their products my fears are offset. All I have to do is just enjoy my retailing and make income from it.  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My 5th pair of Havaianas

I don't know but at one point Filipinos had gone gaga over a pair of Havaianas I, for one was no exception. If I can remember it right, 4 years ago, a friend of mine gushing over Havaianas that when we go the mall he was wishing that there's a store that sells the Made in Brazil rubber flip flops and I was like treating him mockingly for such display of shallowness. I guess the heaven must have heard his prayer for after a few months a store opened and tons of Havaianas in all various sizes and style with corresponding prices started selling like hotcakes . Anywhere, you go, a lot of people were wearing Havaianas. It was a phenomenon, out of curiosity, I asked my friend, how much was a pair? He answered, with deference to the slipper " 600-1,000 pesos"  his answer  literally choked  me and I loudly uttered "What for a pair of bloody rubber slippers? I  mean,  how crazy could one be to buy a pair with that steep price tag? It was simply not practical. I could buy 6 pairs of Spartan slippers and be happy with it- it is still durably rubber isn't it? 

Like a bug, it was contagious, after a few sleepless nights and careful thought I bought  my first pair of Havaianas. Yes, I admit defeat to my vain self. I guess, I  understood the craze for in the store are walls with pictures of celebrities and royalties wearing pairs of Havaianas. Believe me when I say that tell or  present  a picture of a product being used by famous  people especially foreign celebrities to a Filipino and he or she will surely patronize it, shun the price. I again is not exception to the rule, what can I do it is embedded in my genes that products that are expensive and made outside the country  are far superior quality than Philippine made (not entirely true) . My first pair was a size 9, yellow and green Hava (shortened name of Havaianas slipper with blatant " Brazil"print on it. I felt, I belong to club of Hava wearers who  could identify themselves with the rich  and famous even with just on the level one rubber item. Kidding. 

Not all can afford to buy a pair. Philippines is a third world country with a monthly average salary of 6,000 plus pesos which 60 % of it  is spent of food, for one to buy a pair of Hava is downright intelligent ironically speaking. However, even if it is the case, people are still  buying it.  One time when I passed by the store in the mall, the hair on nape stood up  and goosebumps all over my body for I saw a  long queue of people with  possessed look on their eyes, clinched jaw and mouths salivating like rabid dogs outside the  Spruce , a  that sell Hava, looking like they ready for a kill. Jesting! 

What does one get from buying a pair of Havaianas? One, for its durability. I for one  can attest to it, the first pair I purchased lasted for a year. Two, for its cushion, I mean the softness of the rubber feels good to the feet. Three, its product style, and design that every time you visit a Hava store, there always a new one that one would like to own. Fourth, the shape of the slipper will retain its shape. Lastly, its acceptance to be worn with anything even with formal wear.

What are the disadvantages of wearing flipflops? First, was "overpronation" meaning flipflops does not have the kind of support like shoes does and as a result it could lead to pain in the heel, arch, toes and forefoot of the foot. Second is tendinitis, it is the over use of tendons. Third, it can cause flat fleet. Lastly, ankle sprain when you cannot hold your feet right when you trip. You still want to use slippers? I do. I admit I experience some of those foot problems I mentioned but still minor. 

The second pair of Havaianas I bought was the Cartunistas Edition which I like because of the cartoons drawn on my slipper which I find real cute. Over time with use the caricature got erased nevertheless, it retained its original shape.  How did I broke it? it suffered the same fate with 1st pair, the strap got severed. I managed to salvage by sewing  itbut it was uncomfortable to wear around for it might dissociate itself  when I am in the mall. Get the picture? It would most embarrassing. The third one was rather simple and yet it was gold in color. Again, its straps were broken when I got stuck on mud hole one rainy night. You know when you drive your feet deep in the mud , the mud will suck it hard. Fourth pair, I opted for a simpler design, an all black Hava. What happened to it? Douglas, our dog gnawed it. The fourth pair  was when I raised my hands and said " I have enough!" No more Havaianas for me.

For awhile, I switched to Rider sandals and slippers it is also made from Brazil. Brazil does makes good rubber slippers. I was quite happy with the pair I bought but some designs sucks. The one I bought for my brother sadly lasted for a month.

Then last month, I bought my 5th pair of Havainas. It is simple black in color with yellow lettering on the straps pair. Looks like I ate my own words when I declared "no more" Havaianas for me. Ironically,  also bought my niece and nephews pairs for Christmas and on their birthdays. I am a kind of person, who would always like to wear slippers or thong sandals that is why I cannot distant myself from buying a pair of Havaianas. Why not other brands? I think I am happy with Havaianas, I mean like the  habit of  just slipping my feet on a pair of  flipflops when I go out. Even when I am all dressed up  I still look decent and fashionable with just Havaianas under my feet. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Fountain of Youth: L-Cysteine Peptide

Out with the old, in with the new! I declare and claim, with vigor, this new mantra of mine. 

I would not deny that I am vain. I constantly search for products for my over all health. I take supplements like fish oil and  vitamin B complex for my skin and mind. I take amino acid to feed my muscles and if that is not enough I drink Virgin Coconut Oil to prevent myself from illnesses. I am a drug addict! As I jokingly announce. Before, I forgot I even followed the bandwagon of Glutathione pill popper. Not that I wanted to have a whiter skin, I am quite happy with my natural tan, but because I wanted supple and moisturized feel of my skin. On top of that, I use only Ivory soap for I like the result it has on my skin and for my daily face cream? I patronize Olay Moisturizing Lotion for its non-greasy formula that I like very much. You might be wondering why I use females products well men's beauty line doesn't work for me. 

All in the name of keeping myself young,  I can say that I was already contended with my beauty regimen until my sister introduced me to a anti-aging pill. At first I was skeptical, it is hard to break old habits, finally I gave in to her sales talk  with her friend who was the one selling it. I bought my first bottle for 1,400 pesos, quite expensive but I gave it a try just in case it works, if not? That money will be written off as an expense of my idiocy. Charge to experience as some would say. Yes! Life is a gamble. That same day I took my first pill, as way to test its efficacy, I did not drink any of my pills and did not applied any beauty products on my face. On the first day, I did not feel any changes.Hmmmm...suspicious. Second day, I felt a change in my skin on my face, it feels soft and moisturized. On the my fourth day, my sister and her friend who told me that my face is looking red with health. I mean, unbelievable how the anti-aging pill works that fast? After, more than a month of using it, I  can now feel a stretch of my skin. The pores in my face has gotten smaller, the skin my neck and chest is looking tight which before an eyesore to my sight and even the blemishes in my face looks fading in color. Lastly, acne and pimples has greatly decreased. My friend who were skeptical at first finally admitted that there is an improvement in my face, she said" there's a certain glow".  So what is the product?      

The product is called Perfect White exclusively distributed by AIM Global. It's main ingredient is L-Cysteine Peptide which is 3-5 times more potent than Glutathione and a great anti-aging agent. To give one's skin a rosy healthy glow, they infused the pill with Astaxanthin which is responsible for their pink or reddish color of some sea water creatures like lobster, salmon, shrimp and crab. Moreover, it  also protects the skin and eyes from UV A and B damage by quenching its oxygen.  Perfect White, also has Apple Polyphenols which prevent skin wrinkling. Lastly, Grape Seed Extracts that is 20 times more powerful than Vit C and 50 times more potent than Vit E. The Grape Seed Extracts acts a scavenger of free radicals that causes aging. In addition, it also protects the skin from the damaging UV radiation from the sun. 

For me this is a perfect product to take than glutathione for does more than making my skin supple and soft to the touch but also the "botox" effect it makes by stretching my skin.  I can attest that it works and i felt the changes already with my  use of my first bottle. I believe that I have found my fountain of youth. 

L-cysteine Peptide is the new Glutathione!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Bravery of Shadow

Shadow was an askal. Askal is short term for "asong kalye"  aso in Filipino's name for dog while kalye means street,  so askal is shortened name for As( aso) Kal (kalye) meaning a street dog or stray dog. It was a colloquial  name for a breed of dog whose origin came from a mongrel that litters the streets in the Philippines. An askal can be combination of street dog to street dog or street dog with a purebred. Askal is a kind of canine breed  treated if not considered the lowest of its Canidae(dog) family, not entirely my opinion. Its origin can be never be ascertained. 

It was my sister who brought him home one night. He was given to her by her co-worker  whose dog bore lots of pups since we need a guard dog, my sister  took the mutt in. My sister, like the snap of a finger, named him Shadow for he will be our shadow in the house  guarding it from thieves and burglars. Shadow was certainly a great addition to our family that upon his arrival a banner was made for him that says "Welcome home Shadow, May your life with us be bark-full, bite-full and  alert!" Just kidding, If I  remember correctly, we were happy to welcome the cute mutt  however, his first nights with us were a nightmare for his incessant yelps,  whimpering  and crying irritated us so much that we all ended up not having enough sleep for days. I think when he was brought to us, he was still 3 weeks old , basically still a baby,  who still needs his mother's nips and milk. We were pessimistic for we were predicting that he would not live a week considering  his cries were getting weaker and weaker since we has brought home. Baby Shadow cries were fading like a dust giving into night and death was already waiting with great anticipation.  But we never  stopped serving him milk to his plate for him to lick off.  Thankfully, he survived that plateau stage, a physiological stage of no development,  which was crucial for he either die or live.  He pulled through that stage and upon our nursing  he got stronger, ready to take on the world with kennel fierceness.

I don't know but dog has this protective instinct to their master and territory. Shadow was no exception  for he was protective to us and when a another askal from our neighbor  will go sniffing  their way to our property or human comes  for a visit would bark angrily and his eyes  will go glassy  with a kill.  I guess it was loudly telling them that  our property is his, no one messes with it or he would bite off 2 kilos of meat off  your back. His growing from baby to adulthood was without grave incidents. One time, when Shadow,  MaiMai came to visit Aring, our adopted child, she was bitten when she just went  prancing inside  our fence. Thank God, Shadow after observing him 5 days, if gets weak or gone crazy ,  he  acted normal so meaning he had no rabies. Well, MaiMai wasn't the only victim of his biting, Aloy, Aring's brother was also one of the statistics.  I guess Shadow  had a hots for Aloy for he would always irritate the dog by throwing stones at him, tease him and scare him. As a means of retaliation, Shadow settled the score by driving his sharp teeth into his legs. Another, is our neighbor, who would stone and bat him with a tree stick that resulted to his limping for days matched with an open wound from being stoned. No matter , how much we would like to bring our neighbor to  the barangay court we can't for we  don't have a indicting evidence against him. Again, Shadow, like a shadow with a vengeance, had bitten him in the arm.  The incident was  later called "quits" for he treated our dog with cruelty, I guess he knows what he had done to the hapless dog and he brought it upon himself. If we can only read Shadow's expression, we are sure that there is this smug look upon his face. 

Although, I pictured Shadow as a fierce and insane dog. We was actually, very gentle and thoughtful. Why? Like any other dog, when we came home from somewhere, he would get so excited. We would bark with zestful excitement upon seeing us, wag his tail and he would turn circles like crazy which very cute at times annoying for he would jump on us and soil our clothes. A simple "chee!" and he would stop and go meek.  As always, we never pampered him like some people but we were never cruel to him. What we eat is what he eats. Sometimes, we bathed him which would drive him crazy that we eventually stopped it. As he was not on a leash, he is free to roam around the place, getting into fights with other dogs in the neighborhood, eating dead frogs, scavenging the trash or garbage and breeding other females dogs. One time, when our neighbor's Japanese Spitz got out of the their gated property, Shadow wasted no time humping her. If they had an offspring? I guess none.     


Shadow's intense nature had eventually earned him the refutation of being the leader among the askals. His refutation even grown like an urban legend in our place, people  were wary to pass by our house for a barbaric dog will bite them. Parents would warn their children to tread carefully with Shadow. No drunkards would attempt to snare him for their pulutan( a food served with a alcoholic drink) for his menacing stature. Our house or the place within our property's vicinity was treated with dread with police cordon around it.  Shadow definitely live to our expectation and purpose and more.      

One of the behavior of dogs, Shadow was no exception, was to tail their master. He would excitedly, accompany us when we walk to the highway for a commute. There are times when he would cross the highway, see us hop into a jeep and that's the time he would go running home. Sometimes, a simple "uli!" meaning go home was enough for him go prancing back home but sometimes not. Until one night, that was Sunday, my sister, the one who brought him home, went out to go to a Mass celebration, when Shadow tailed her to the highway. She frighteningly, shooed him away, she was fearing that a vehicle will ran him down. After a few attempts, she managed to shoo him which gave her a sigh of relief. She recounted that, she saw Shadow, when crossing the highway seems to  have a know how. on how to do it. Unfortunately, accidents do happen, when Shadow  was not fast enough to run for safety to a speeding taxi which hit him on the head. She said that she heard a loud bang and a unforgettable whimper from a dog who was obviously in great pain. The taxi just went on speeding and the next time she saw was Shadow running, from what she can guess, home.  She thought that Shadow will be okay and she went her way to church. But she was wrong for we just found Shadow lifeless in our backyard. It was  my mother who found her first and the next thing scene was commotion that woke my sister who told us that the dog was hit by a taxi. 

Shadow died of internal hemorrhage of March 2006. If I can  fit in my foot in his shoes it  really must had been painful and a slow death. I can just imagine the excruciating pain and  can't do anything to alleviate it. It must be very very hard to be a dog, when the means of communication is bark or growl, humans cannot acutely guess for what  they means. For Shadow to  go come running to  a  distant home and die must have been a painful ordeal. It was amazing how  brave he was in his pain that he can still go home to the house where he was loyal with.  From what  my mother and my siblings story, they never heard him cry. They just wondered  why there was no familiar bark. Upon seeing his dead body, we immediately, dug a grave for him. 

I never really bothered Shadow. I mean, I always tell people in the house to feed him. never to forget to feed him or he might go loony with starvation but to touch him or cuddle him? Nary. The longest conversation I had with him was "stop" when he goes carting off the other pair of the slipper or chew on plastics in our garbage or  yell at  out" of the house when he is smelling like death when he feasted on frogs. But when he died I cried! As in cry an honest cry of sadness and pity to a dog who had served us greatly and the way he died was a true tearjerker. A brave dog indeed he was. He is surely missed.      

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Tale of Gam Gam: The English Mutt

On the grounds of Divine Mercy, El Salvador

Who am I to discount the wild tale of the feat of tiny  street urchin that my brother picked and brought home one rainy night? What I'm about to tell is a story of one tiny creature who pulled a stunt of bravery. An inspirational story from  rags  to riches.

Out of compassion, my brother brought  home  this little mutt that looks scraggy and sick. For days, after bringing  him home,  my brother and father was troubled for 2 days the dog was not eating; not the dog food, the fish, the viand with rice.I mean Nada.  What he would do was just to sniff the food and leave like a haughty  stiff upper lip Brit (no pun intended). Probably one of the reasons, was his name GamGam, which was definitely  not his name, felt foreign to him.  By the way, GamGam is just a male derivative  from a female dog 's name- MagMag , a terrier poodle my brother used to have .  Since the small canine wasn't eating what  they did was not to serve food in his feeding plate for days . His only sustenance was just water .Like a defeated soldier, he raised his white flag and surrendered to his appetite  after 2 days of fasting. Like beggar who had not eaten for months he has no choice but eat what was being served-a fistful serving of vegetable and rice. Of course, the drama didn't end there for the English mutt with brown orange hair made a paw declaration that he is going vegetarian. Where on earth can one find a vegan dog? Well, Gam Gam was(past tense). Since then he doesn't eat anything other than vegetable and rice.

Shaking after a swim from the sea

Because, he origin was unknown, my brother  brought him to the veterinary clinic for a check up, vaccination and to ask the vet the certainty of his canine breed.  The vet said that he has  the royal blood of poodle and  aztec's warrior blood of Chihuahua.  Certainly, one will never know of what breed combination GamGam  came  from. For all I know he could be a cross breed between a Siberian Husky and a Mini pinscher.Kidding aside, obviously the elsewhere original owner  of GamGam who holds the sacred knowledge of the genealogy of Gam Gam-the Vegan Dog from UK. 

The residence of GamGam before
Months have past since GamGam was taken in and he has become forlorn for no one can intermittently let him out of the house for the day. He was left alone in his own devices in the apartment- no toys, no playmates, nothing else to do but eat and sleep. Like any other proper English man, he would  take his bowel respites outside the house.  When no one was around in the loft? GamGam would bear the pain  and need to discharge until my brother and farther would  arrive and  let him out for the day. I guess, with great concern , my brother decided to bring him home (we rents a pad with my father ) for  us  to take care of. Pity to the small snooty dog, his transfer to our residence was not all that he hoped for,  for he was made to live outside the house. For the reason that there are premature twin babies at home and with a dog inside, they might get asthma attacks from its hair. Hesitantly. we installed a small dog house for him made up of plywood, which  we later added a second floor as our dirty kitchen. Imagine the scenario while we cook with firewood a small dog was sleeping and resting below.  Although, he was left to fend for himself with bigger aggressive dogs, foreign food and the sun and the rain he took his station with admirable intestinal  fortitude.  He seems to be happy but getting scrappier and scrappier that his hair got grossly matted  and revoltingly entangled to look at. I guess, no one would attempt to steal or pick up a dirty dog that could be a host of the millions of lice bloated of blood. He had befriended Shadow our fierce guard dog and  from I can see they make an odd couple indeed. For  example Shadow had this scary growl and dangerous barks that one would skitter for safety while GamGam has this little yelps that one would want to pet and cuddle him.

GamGam riding the bus
I don't know but we are wary of dogs. Especially, the dogs we always have are guard dogs who doesn't hesitate to bark and bite  stranger who happens get inside our fence even with a  hair or skin. Unlike some people, we aren't as, lovable and touchy with dogs. We just feed them and on rare occasions we  bathe  them. We bathe GamGam but we never groom him as to even slide a comb in his dreadlocks of a  hair. How far can he get clean? A bathe using human shampoo and detergent  bar.

Months since he was transferred, the Brit diminutive canine  had become a pitiful sight. Out of deference, I decided to bring him to my friend for an adoption, our agreement was  just to give us an offspring/s he might have and of course proper care.  I mean, I took the initiative for I saw the condition that he live at home. We can't provide him the proper care that a breed of his kind needs. If heavy rain   and wind will ensue he will definitely would get wet inside his tiny and humble abode con dirty kitchen . If flood would  strike our place he literally have to swim for his life.  That's no way for a nasal accent Brit to live and he will eventually die. A breed of his kind deserves a honorable death from a lifetime of good life.

My work(haircut style) of GamGam
Before his adoption, I took the courage to clean GamGam . Once and for all he deserves a day in a spa, my own  brand of spa treatment.  Armed with a detergent soap and  a pair of scissors, and  steel shield  I  picked the Vegan Dog, my bad he was no longer vegan at this time, and  placed him in  basin with water and bathed.  While still wet I frighteningly, I don't want to be bitten, I began  cutting  his plastered hair. Good news! no lices. However, I have tell you, with  great regret, that it wasn't without blood,  for at times I  would cut through his pink skin and all he can do was  just  whimper and cry but still bravely hold himself straight albeit shaking with fear and cold- he does not bite and ran. His steadfast resolve against pain was admirable( I suspected an Irish or Viking blood in him). By the time, I was finished with him, he ended up looking like a work of art, except that artist does not have talent and taste, he was an unsightly specimen. Nevertheless, one can clearly see his prominent his adorable and uniquely pink snout and the cute way he looks at you-that intense and intelligent look, that belie an incorrigible innocence.

Sunday, if I can remember, the day that I finally brought him to my friend and his family. Instantly, my friend's mother fell in love with GamGam. How can she not? He was without  props under his belt, he really capitalized on his big doe eyes, ribs poking out, uneven hair cut and this " pity me" act that instantly mesmerizes his unsuspecting victims.  They feed, groomed and brought him to veterinary clinic  for further vaccination. Another opinion was again spun for when the doctor was asked of GamGam's breed, the lady animal doctor she said it is poodle and something. They also asked for his age, the vet said "more than one year" based from the number of canine teeth that had grown.  Indeed, his age and breed still remains a mystery even to this day for no one could tell with certainty. While we respect the vet's   guess we still have to do some research on the net of his kind(breed) the best we can come up was his lineage leans  toward Bichon Frise or Maltese plus another breed. 
The Brit dog at work

Months after his adoption one can tell that his stature had improved but he still remain wary of being touched, since he was not used to being petted. GamGam post no problem to them since he is meek and used to being himself lying under small coffee table in the house. His temperament as always reserved, is not does not get overly excited like some dogs for you seldom hear him bark or see him run  wildly around the house or gnaw  on things. He was still picky with food  (he likes chicken now)and continued to be guarded with people. Indeed a true blue British. 

It's been more than a year since I brought him to my friend's  family and GamGam has become an integral part of their family. He is enjoying the comforts of good grooming, shelter, care, love and affection that is fitting for an English gentleman.    

close up shot