I, of legal age and sound mind, hereby confess that I am Metrosexual.
I confess to going to spa salon for my monthly facials.
I confess that I can't sleep without washing my face and apply moisturizer.
I confess that I take food supplements for my skin, my sanity and health
I confess that I buy imported products for my hair.
I confess that I maintain a hairstylist to fashion my hair the way I want.
I confess that I buy rather expensive shirts or any other forms of clothing.
I confess that I own designer perfumes and colognes.
I confess that my accessories should have known brand name labeled to it.
I confess that I go the gym 5 times a week.
I confess to periodically browse on fashion on-line magazine for the latest trend.
I confess I have vanity kit in my bag.
I confess that I enjoy going to museum or anything cultural in nature.
I confess that I don't confess my age.
Yeah, shoot me but I like the good and finer things in life. I have to make this clear thought that I don't daintily dab my face with powder and foundation, I moisturize.unlike some guys in the gym. Do I look my age? Believe me when I say that I have been telling people I am 23 years old for like ages and they still believe me no second thoughts. All this in the name of vanity. Yes, I am vain but it is not without careful thought and consideration. I don't sacrifice my money for food and other necessities for vanity. I might look good but I pocket has only have 5 cents in it what's the point? I mean what is the crime in wanting my skin to supple and healthy looking? Or about having my hairstylist change my hair style for like 2 times year? Or going to the gym 5 times week in order to confident and have good self worth and esteem? Or my obsession with anything leather that I literally salivate when I see a leather shoes, bags and accessories? Or buying this products that promotes good health and anti-aging? Is it crime when I want in life is to look good and be pleasant to look at.
It was in the year 1994 that the word Metrosexual was formally coined if not by Mark Simpson in his article " Here Come the Mirror Man" which basically shed light to a man who veered away from the norm to macho man who is practical and has little need for mirror other than use it to see himself when combing and shaving. I think 1994, was a glorious year for men for he has found an excuse or honesty to announce to the world his love for arts, culture, fashion and most importantly shopping which otherwise viewed in the past as homosexuality. Metrosexual man has been an existence since thousand years ago when would build bathhouses, massages and all in the name of pleasure. Not to the mention , the century where Kings and Princes-es don on glittering outfit complete with white powder on their and wigs just to look good downright uncomfortable. Men in past go through to such pain, spend human heads and money all in the name of vanity.
Today, there are articles and books published about the subject one the book Michael Flocker " The Metrosexual Guide to Style: A Handbook for the Modern Man" which basically teaches a man to refine himself in the society. I believe that this a good book to have since we are in an era where cavalier attitude is deeply frowned upon. In other words, this book encourages men to be comfortable with his feminine side. Yeah, I know that sounds so gay to some but it is just simply to understand better the opposite sex and empathize with them. No crying is involve of course unless necessary.
So what do I get from my being vain? Well, I once called a fashionista. A comment I took in stride and confidence. Shhhhh... but I people has been brazen as to say in my face that skin healthily shinny and good. To a quite few who had the pleasure of caressing my skin and say that my skin is silky and smooth. For my age? Those are good compliments that I welcome with open arms. When some people ask me what I am taking for my skin? My answer would always be Fish oil and Vit B Complex and gym. But now I am using an anti-aging product sold by AIM Global (http://www.allianceinmotion.com/philippines/) my skin feels rejuvenated and tighter. Let's us be all honest who doesn't want to look and feel good? Who doesn't like not to look their age and look younger for say 10 years? Who doesn't like to be given an attention to the sea of people around us? And lastly, who doesn't like to be healthy- no illness or ailments? If I know one who answers "no" to not look good? I gonna hang myself.Lastly, I declare that.....
I am may be Metrosexual but I am no Narcissist.
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